Taxation Is Theft Explained in 30 Seconds

in #consent7 years ago

Americans Now Spend More on Taxes Than Food and Clothing—Combined

In the land of the free, Americans now spend more money on taxes than they do on food and clothing—combined and the rate is increasing at a staggering pace.

A troubling new report released this week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that Americans spent more on taxes last year than they did on food and clothing—combined. As the report shows, this problem shows no signs of slowing as the average American’s rate of taxation is increasing at a staggering rate.

As CNS News reports, in 2016, according to BLS, “consumer units” (which include families, financially independent individuals, and people living in a single household who share expenses) spent more on average on federal, state and local taxes ($10,489) than they did on food ($7,203) and clothing ($1,803) combined ($9,006).

Instead of realizing they are taxing Americans, quite literally out of their clothes, the state has been increasing the rate every year.

The average tax bill for American “consumer units” increased from $7,423 in 2013 to $10,489 in 2016, according to data released this week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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Video By: The Free Thought Project

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It is important to keep the "state" in the style it is accustomed to.

If a few deplorables go a little hungry and have to camp out occasionally, then that is a small price to play.

Pro Tip from the FBI's Peter Strzok (who can smell deplorable Trump voters at Walmart) - you can sleep in your car in Walmart's carpark and use the Walmart restrooms.

Well, if you would listen to the ever so "wise" Nancy Pelosi, then you would know that the people don't need to keep their own money, as they would only get "crumbs" from it anyways.

and they could always eat cake anyway.

So tax is theft?
Why stay in usa then?
There are plenty of places in the world with out functioning goverments, you wont be required to pay taxs there.
Or is it the servises, protections provided by the colective tax pool that keeps you there.. uploading to the internet..
Seems to me its more about your goverments incompetence to use taxs efficiently that is the real issue.

I agree with you that the government is incompetent when it comes to spending money. I myself believe, that a person will always spend their money better than the government does. And this is the exact reason why tax rates should be lowered: if people have more money to spend on things they need, the economy as a whole will grow. This in return will also increase the government's tax revenue, so there would be no negative impact on public services (provided that the politicians responsible will spend the tax money correctly).

Its that last part that falls short on the USA side.
Im from Australia, and we have higher tax rates then you guys, but we also have less waste in goverment.
We have very diffrent systems.
Im happy to pay taxs, as the benefits we recive on a whole outways the cost,

I understand that we would spend our money better, but as a pool with millions of others it has more value, or weight. Kinda like steem voting. Your votes worth something, and you know what best to do with it.. but it has a larger impact and better all round result if millions pooled there votes.

No the issue is that taxation is theft. You can walk away from a mugger too, so the real problem is maybe that mugger isn't going to spend your money very wisely yeah? Not the fact that he's stealing your shit?

So you dont believe that anyone should pay tax?
What protection from a mugger woukd you have without paying tax? A fully volenteer police department? Volenteer army?
Or would you ask the ppl in your community to chip in and help pay for the protection? You know like a tax.?

Correct, I dont think anyone should be robbed. You mean making a consensual agreement with a private protection agency? Yeah, maybe. Or I could just protect myself. Or a community watch program could certainly work as well. Like the video implies, the difference is consent. The thing that makes taxation theft is force. The same thing that makes sex rape.

So musk lands on mars sets up a colony and ppl flood there, good and bad ones,
They set up Frontier camps and let the setteler go, freemarket will look after you,
they go it alone at first defending them self from the few bad guys out there whom dont want to work for what they have, these indviduals descoverd that if they banded together they could protect them selfs better, from the ever geowing numbers of the "bandits".
then once they all got together, you have a town, then this town decides that they would be better protected by having a full time security force, so the choose some ppl to make laws for this security force to enforce,
the security force needs to be trained and effective to deter these would be bandits, so they dont have time to work any other job then keeping the peace. So they need to be compisated,
So the town leader they chose then ask ppl to help pay for it based appon there means, and if they dont pay they will need to leave the town and the protections it provides,
is this a fair propersition?
Because regardless if the security force didnt provide those who didnt pay for there protection with help, they would still benifit from it, with the increased abillity for private enterprise to flusrish due to the low rate of crime and stababilty of the town?

Dont get me wrong im all for SMALL goverment.. but no goverment? No thanks
As i said when you have no goverment then thats when ppl are inslaved and forced to work without consent.. becasue the strong rule without concent when there isnt a colective to stand up to it. Goverment.
Free market and capatilisim only flourish with goverment protection, just look toward the 3rd world, asia, and the middle east to see how we act without a fuctioning democratic goverment,

Anything that says "do this or else" is not consensual. It is the moral equivilent to rape. Doesn't matter what kind of wacky story you add on to it. Rape is rape.

Food, clothing and shelter are the basic necessities of man. Sad to say, little attention is given to these basic needs while so much money is spent on taxes. This ugly situation is not limited to the American only, it affect all other nations of the world because of poor economic situations whose permanent solution lies in the hands of our Creator.

So "food, clothing and shelter are basic necessitates"?
So we should assist ppl with these things?
"little attention is given to these basic needs while so much money is spent on taxes."
Wouldn't that just be a miss use of the taxs, not tax is theft.....
Not all country's miss use there taxs, and some even have social security programs that assure everyone has access to food clothing and shelter
As an example,
In australia, a single mother with 3 children will receive full free health, never pay more then $5.5 for meds, and receives subsidised housing, and around 2500 a month in goverment payments job training, child care for employment..
Taxs are the reason this is available to ppl,

Nice to be a single mother, you don't need a man (well maybe for insimination) you throw him out the door make him pay alimony, If he does not want to pay you send your new man, the government, to thread him with violence and if he doesn't listen use of violence.
And send the same substitute daddy (the government) to rob all your neighbour by thread of, or use of violence. If someone complains you can always use the children as a shield (you don't care about children.) I think I move there.

as i said your goverment has issues, and they arn't perfect, but its better then a world with out it..
Alimony is rubbish, and not an issue here, as for child support our system, is alot diffrent, much more workable.
Im sorry you had the misfortune of being born in a system that is stacked againyt you, im sorry you have had bad experiences with the system,
But not having a goverment is a much more scary propersition, just look to those places thaT dont have one, push for change, not for revolution.

Thanks for your opinion.

I don't believe in government, and I can't go back into believing in it, just like I can not go back into believing in santa claus.
I'm not for revolution in the sense of overthrowing the system, because it can't be overthrown, not from the outside, not from the inside. It's a religion.

There are more ways it can be done, but deprogramming the faithful believers is one of the best ones. It's hard to find a way to pierce through the years of indoctrination, but it can be done, and more and more are seeing it. So maybe you can call that a revolution, but I call it an evolution of the mind, away from that horrible religion that people are taught to believe.

Cheers :)

Edit; a revolution is just a regime change where the one(s) leading the revolution do not free the people, but just want the power and violence, that government is, for themselves, to sit on the thrown and rule and extort the people themselves for their "good cause".

if you realize how much we are taxed it would make you sick
federal income tax
state income tax
sales tax
property tax
tax to license a vehicle
tax for an id
estate tax
tabaco tax
gas tax
hotel tax
alcohol tax.

that is just scratching the surface on the taxes we pay every day. Hell you get taxed when you die for fucks sake. infuriating.

Whoa! I had no idea it was that bad. According to a report by the Rand corporation that was distributed among congress over the summer, policy makers in several states have begun to explore ways to invent new taxes. Consider the following quote from the Rand report:

"The US highway trust fund is running on fumes, after passage of a short-term extension. As Congress debates a long-term fix, questions remain about how to finance the package in the era in whichthe gas tax is no longer cutting it. To answer these questions, some state and federal policy makers have begun to explore a shift, from taxing fuel, to taxing vehicle miles traveled."

Yes, that's right. Our lawmakers are exploring measures to tax *'vehicle miles traveled.' *

Maybe next they can find ways to tax breaths taken, or tears cried over this out-of-control behemoth of a government.

Your right it is out of control, goverment needs to fix spending. And the ppl need to stop asking the goverment to spend,

"They" don't listen to We the People anymore. We've demanded they stop many things, and they just keep right on with whatever suits their private agendas and pocketbooks.

I think you will find most ppl want goverment to spend and will demand it, unfortantly only the minority think like you.


Excellent post. Voting & resteeming.

of course at a certain point you don't really spend more on food and clothing but your income taxes always are a percentage of your income. A billionaire might spend 100 times as much on food as an average person but they don't spent 1000 times or 10,000 as much on food, a man can only eat so much.

but it's great for country if everyone have own car so it disturb entire systems of traffic and traffic is now adays really big problem in every Country.

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