Grottbags Magic - Conscious Magic (A Theory of Existence Across Space/Time Continuums)

in #consciousmagic7 years ago (edited)

So the material world is an echo of the past of where our conscious 'being' once/is/was at at some point, positioned in space/time.
And that the existence of that conscious 'being', within any particular time/place, within space/time, means that the conscious 'being' must be fully aware of all of the possible/logical outcomes, all of the negative/logical possibilities, which eventually lead/equate to positive outcomes - thus making that conscious 'being' aware of all of the correct/positive/logical outcomes, in any moment, of any time/place, in any time/space continuums.

So many time is taken for the physical creation, of what the conscious 'being' once-upon thought about, to occur in any given reality/dimention.

The formation of physical existence/life/reality, is the memory/creation of the conscious 'being' that once occupied that particular time/place, in space/time.

This means the material l existence/world is a production of an entity's thought/idea/creation. Does that mean the conscious 'being' is alive? Definition of alive/life/existence!?

Does that mean that the conscious 'being' can also access memories, just in the same way as all conscious beings in a physical existence, such as animals/humans on Earth?

If humans are able to alter their states of memory (eg. reflect back upon life experiences with a different perspective
(such as no longer being scared of the dark like when you were a child, you can look back and logically add to your stored memory, you can re-tell/program yourself to acknowledge that monsters are not real, darkness is not scary. Your memory has been 'reverse-engineered' by your conscious ability/conscious 'being's' ability.

When you alter a memory, just as when conscious 'being' alters memories, you change the possibilties/logical outcomes of the future of that particular time/place, in space/time, in which you currently occupy.

Does that mean physical beings do, in fact, have the ability to change/manipulate/predict the future?
(Think of sci-fi films, books from hundreds of years ago predicting what occurs in the future, the notions of aliens, gadgets, technology, high beings/powers etc, and then we are witnessing year by year, millenium buy millenium, these notions/stories/ideas, evolving and coming true!)

That would mean that every human has the ability to change the world, change the future, achieve their dreams!
And if everyone can work out the correct positive/logical outcomes which are most likely to get them to reach their dreams/visions, then they most faster towards the achievement.

The more delays in time/space that humans take to achieve progress towards positive/logical/goals, the more positive/negative/possibilities evolve, the more adjustments humans/conscious 'being' needs to calculate/re-engineer.

Additional: This would also explain Evolution and how nature evolves in every logical/possible outcome, trying, failing, trying succeeding, over and over, in every possible situation that is physically possible in that particular time/place.

Additional #2:
This all started tonight because a MAGIC friend told me to watch the film, Cloud Atlas. A film i instantly thought I am going to LOVE! And wondered why the hell I have never heard of it before!!

The very next thing i saw online, was a blog on Steemit called "Blind Following The Blind (by @Kyriacos)

As MAGIC would have it, about half-way down... CLOUD ATLAS!!

"One of my favorite quotes that describes the tragedy of the human condition comes from David Mitchel's Cloud Atlas:

To be is to be perceived, and so to know thyself is only possible through the eyes of the other. The nature of our immortal lives is in the consequences of our words and deeds, that go on and are pushing themselves throughout all time. "Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.” — The Revelation of Sonmi 451, Cloud Atlas."

So I jump straight back to connect with my MAGIC friend to tell what such a coincidence occurred.

MAGIC friend then links me to the video headling this post ("WHAT IS MAGIC")

And all of that lead me to having my head explode with a sudden rush of thought bubbles, popping and screaming to get out into physical format, and thus, I have written all of this....and feel like WTF has just happened here!!!!
(hope it makes sense! words are not my friend!) haha :D :D :D

(And i always think is Chris Martin was singing to conscious 'being', this songs makes sense :D )


I have noticed a burst of magickal postings on steem over the past day.
Something important is happening! We need to work together and consolidate the community of initiates.
Through consolidation we can use steem as a platform for our magick with unlimited potential!
Follow me, and I will follow you, so that we can meet other magicians through eachother!
Blessings to all!

I sense it all too! Very important/good time to be alive and kicking! I also have feeling about Steemit being very useful guidance tool! Very supportive of the notion/creation. Very pleased to be acqquainted and happt to connect! Looking forward to witnessing Magic evolve together :D

Followed. Been involved in various kinds of magic for over a couple of decades now. Love to connect with others on various paths... :)

Really assuring to know I'm not alone, good to connect indeed :)

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