Bitcoin in Africa Series: Reporting on the Congo (DRC)
The picture below came from Support his blow.
As always let me know what you guys think. I'll respond to the first 10 commentators only due to lack of time. Thanks!
When I do the series, I pick a national dish from that reported country. The highlighted dish below is called Moambe. It is one of Congo's (DRC) popular dishes. The pic is here:
This video (below) is part of my Bitcoin in Africa Series where I report on the use of Bitcoin and crypto currencies in Africa. There is a complete playlists on YouTube with respect to this topic. Please check it out under my playlist section. This short video focuses on the Democratic Republic of the Congo with respect to Bitcoin. The video is below:
Video stamps are here:
0:00 - 0:37. Intro. Bitcoin in Africa Series. Reporting on the Congo.
0:37 - 1:38. Presentation Talking Points & Congo's (DRC) National Dish.
1:39 - 2:56. UN Census Data of the Congo (DRC), DRC economics, politics, war...
2:57 - 3:45. BitPesa an African Exchange making waves in DRC.
3:50 - 4:17. Conclusion.
If you have any questions or comments please add them below. I typically reply to all the comments (exception is spam).
Transcript of this video is below (who reads this stuff?!)
Good evening from the US to fellow subscribers and new people to my show. Welcome to the Sobuka channel. This channel was rebranded to focus on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technology in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. So if you are looking to find a get rich type of coin, then this is not that channel. There are a gazillion of channels already out there regurgitating the same stuff.
Today the African country that I will be discussing is the Democratic Republic of the Congo also known as the DRC as shown on the map on the bottom of your screen. But before we move on, since I have started this series on Bitcoin use in the Caribbean and Africa, I thought it could be interesting to also show case a popular dish from that country. The dish you are looking at is called Moambe which consists of the main following ingredients: chicken, quartered (or chicken pieces), red palm oil, onions, and tomatoes to name a few. So when you go to visit the DRC, you now know of 1 popular dish you to try out. At the end of this video, I will have a link on how you can create this dish from a 3 minute video. So looking at the top left of your screen, I will touch on this country's stats, technology, and pioneers leading the way for cryptocurrencies in this region.
I first want to provide a short statistical snapshot of the DRC from 2015 census data. The DRC has roughly about 77 million people with a GDP per Capita that is under $500 USD. Only 2% of the population has access to the internet. With that said not much is happening with the majority of the people with respect to crypto currency. Formerly known as Belgian Congo and Zaire, the DRC has been through chaos for decades with war and political shakiness. Currently there are 18 commercial banks that operate in the DRC with the only US bank being Citigroup.
So with low internet usage already, Bitcoin is not presently a viable or strong solution for this country. For those people who do have internet which would make sense being the wealthy, the availability can make it possible to interact with other exchanges outside the country. Quite frankly I do not know of Bitcoin or cryptocurrency use case in the DRC.
However, on a released CNN article dated on Dec of 2016, there were talks of an exchange opening up for the DRC. The bitcoin exchange is called BitPesa. It currently allows people to buy and sell their currency as well as purchase Bitcoin. Time will tell if this venture will lead to something. But first thing is first, the people of DRC need to invest in some form of internet capability. Though the are talks of BitPesa being supported in the DRC. For now the neighboring countries which are fully supported include Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.
The links to my sources are below.
The comments section is open to everyone. Especially if you are living overseas outside the US or know of anyone outside on those places like the Caribbean and Africa, comment on what is going on over there with respect to bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. I definitely know that Steemit, the social media platform on its own block chain is growing with subscribers all around the world. You can also find me on Steemit.
CNN Article: BitPesa planning to add the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Web Article: Title: "Could a digital currency bring Africa closer to China?"
UN Data on the DRC:
Picture of great cooking: