in #conflict7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever pondered on the need for conflict, it's benefit (if any) and the beneficiaries? Have you ever asked why man always have conflict?

If we are already occupying a space, why the clash for more?


Let's talk

Man has always been ambitious through the ages. In the actual sense, the natural man can't be satisfied by mere having more. It's a healthy thing to desire for more, improve yourself and be influential in your space. But the problem is in trying to deprive others while doing so.

conflict arises when one seeks to deprive another and in each clash there's always the greedy party.

The clamor for more money, land,houses, position, popularity, fame,friends and recognition has plagued humanity over the years. The question is, can any of these satisfy? I have never seen a man that doesn't want more.


In every conflict, the stronger always acquire more, at the expense of the weak. But if we make people cry over our gain, we are all losers. If we make people lose their homes, children, position, money, etc to us, we are all failures.There's no gain in making another person suffer.

Each day we hear of violence, wars, killings, genocide, betrayal, fraud, etc. Peace gradually eluding humanity in different countries. People are eager to kill, even when it's not worth it.

Let us disagree but not fight. Let us save lives, not kill. Let us know we won't live forever, though we own all the earth.

No beneficiaries

If we say we benefited in inflicting pains on people, we lie. In the midst of violence, trust is destroyed. We become suspicious of each other and living in fear is inevitable. Look at a man who has no conflict with another and the man who does, there's always a marked difference.


When I grew up, I witnessed the fights for farmlands in our locality. Men against men, families against families. Immediately there's a family dispute, every member of conflicting families became enemies, even when it's only two people that were involved. If children from opposing homes meet, no greetings are expected.

It was always annoying to get to school one morning and you can't sit with your friend again, you can't greet, you can't complete the assignment you had previous day together, simple because you were told just yesterday that your friend's family is evil. That's so insane!

students-377789__480.jpgconflict between families deprive children from this

But that's how insane conflict can become. In such scenario, we might both fail the school test because conflicts in our families didn't allow us read together again. Conflict separates us. Conflict makes us lonely. Conflict makes us cry. Conflict makes us lose trust for each other. Conflict makes us abandon our love ones. Conflict take us away from the embrace of people that really care.
Disagreement should never be allowed to trigger violence.

There's nothing to die for on earth, that we shall not eventually leave behind. Let us abandon hatred and rather love.

Let us embrace peace and discard the thoughts of violence against people.
Let us be satisfied with what we have and only pursue our ambitions without stepping on toes. The world is large enough to contain us all.

Spread the word of peace and let the killings stop.

In Nigeria, the middle east, Yemen, Iran, etc let us embrace peace and live together as one.


Let us have a token of peace!


i really liked this article. it says a great deal about peace. the one thing that is not so good is your "introduce yourself" tag. surely after six months this tag is no longer needed? try peace.

Oh, thanks. I added it for more views

Steemit should have a pinned article section coz what you have written is really informative and a good article for one to read over and over.

The women and children are always the casualties of war, such a pity that there are individuals who are willing to get their way irrespective of means, my take is conflict resolution and mediation courses should be made mandatory in schools, war is never the answer and there are conflict resolution methodologies available and our children need to be taught that from an early age.

Thanks so much for your support on this. It's something we must all agree. Peace is the answer

upvoted bro

No one, I mean, no one benefits from war and conflict.

Sure. It's vain to fight.

You are right of course, conflict is incensed by greed and elitism,

but patriotism fed by the grotesque and immensely profiteering military industrial complex (especially US and UK - the country I was born in) is a dark force of unconscionable power responsible for fuelling and propagating enmity.

Only by educating ourselves to the fundamental beauty and innocence of all peoples, in order to embrace our differences, can we thrive in love and acceptance!

Thank you for your part in that ;)

I really appreciate your contributions. Thanks a lot.

those who benefit without a doubt are those who have the power, they neither send their children to combat nor suffer physical repercussions or changes of life due to wars

Well, that's not benefit either, because they won't live forever.

world peace please :(

nice call out for peace and ending conflicts :)

hmm great post. Why the conflict, we brought nothing to this world and definitely we will go back to God empty handed

Sure, thanks for saying that.

you are welcome boss

Sometimes I despair for the human race. You ask questions and say things I ask and tell myself constantly. The answers are so obvious. I don't know why everyone doesn't get them!

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