ConcertVR ICO Review
ConcertVR is owned by a Berlin based Company, Goodstuff-Media. They bring the experience of a concert directly to a user through VR technology. The company is looking to raise about $30M USD through the sale of their own CVT Token at 0.00015ETH each for a total of 60,000 ETH. The token enables users to purchase concert tickets, on-demand events, songs, and more.
Their pre-sale sold out in less than 4 days and raised about 1.1M € through 1,200 ETH. Originally the company was planning on launching their ICO on April 2nd, 2018. But due to Google’s Message regarding ICOs, they have delayed this decision by two weeks. Their main ICO will be now open from April 15th to May 15th, 2018. The company has already won multiple awards, and is currently increasing the roster of artists and partners, with new ones every week.
The Idea
ConcertVR’s idea is straightforward. They want to bring concerts and festivals to Virtual Reality. Their attempt to make this market a reality includes the utilization of their cryptocurrency to enable artists, vendors, and and ticketing platform to communicate and trade with each other in an ecosystem. The purpose is to make the visual and economic experiences much better for multiple players in the music industry.
What makes the company special is the fact that all the team members have been in the entertainment industry for over 15 years, we interviewed their CEO, Sebastian Deyle, to find out what makes them different, and what the company has in store for the next couple of months.
“Imagine you could enjoy concerts from all around the globe in real time without leaving your home?“ — Sebastian Deyle, CEO at concertVR
One of their key technical differentiators, is the camera angles that they record at any given concert. Enabling the user to choose where they want to be during the event. The company claims to have achieved this through their eye-tracking technology.
Finally, the company’s utilization of Blockchain technology is a direct result of solving the complexity of the festival ecosystem, between managers, ticket sellers, merchandise, artists, and so on. They effectively enable artists to sell an unlimited amount of digital tickets, since anyone could experience the concert from home. Far more interesting than the current DVD and Netflix solutions.From their point of view, purchasing a physical ticket actually has a series of barriers of entry:
Furthermore the company is looking to bring more than just the real live footage of a concert. The company has ambitious plans to also build an online store that would enable users to purchase individual songs, concert events, and special content and access that you would not otherwise find during the typical experience.
Entertainment companies tokenizing content are also able to provide feedback and dynamics that create a more personalized experience. One of such experiences is the ability to vote. They want to create a social network of sorts, where users vote on their favorite song and artist, which is becoming an increasingly used strategy with tokenized business models.
“Two years ago, me and my partner, Andreas Knuffmann, were working on the tourism and VR industry. Mostly creating hotel tours, where you could go into different rooms. The experience was okay, but where is the emotion? We would never buy this.
So we decided to get together and start brainstorming. Since we both have worked in the film and entertainment industries for over 15 years, we naturally thought that the best experience would be concerts. What if we can find a way to use VR technology to let people experience the concert in VR time from your own home, that is something we would spend money on.”
But why hasn’t anyone else done this? We made some calls and figured that a lot of artists were excited about the idea, we figured there was something here.”
Sebastian Deyle, CEO at concertVR
The Token
ConcertVR utilizes a standard ERC20 Token, the company subtly points throughout the white paper, that they will initially use Ethereum, which may mean that the company is ready to utilize other platforms in addition or substitution of just using Ethereum smart contracts. This probably points out to some concerns regarding the scalability of the Ethereum network in the upcoming years.
The company is planning on hosting a big portion of the data in a decentralized fashion through the Ethereum Virtual Machine. The company is planning to use a strategy similar to filecoin to decentralize the user information using ethereum. The concertVR will not be holding user information themselves.
The company has built a prototype that enables mobile users to watch concerts using 360 degree cameras, and also technologies like Google Cardboard. The company has mentioned that the current version of the software also enables the use of VR headsets such as Occulus Rift, HTC Vibe, and others.
ConcertVR has also mentioned that they have developed an eye tracking technology that would enable the user to be “anywhere in the concert hall”. The company currently provides three points of view:
- The Stage: The users will feel what it’s like to be a rockstar by essentially looking at the audience and seeing what artists see
- The Audience: Users will be able to experience the concert from the usual point of view as the audience
- The Back: This section is a general way of seeing the concert as a whole and experience its size
Business Model
The company has multiple revenue streams regarding the sale and distribution of music and events. Their idea is to enable users to be able to purchase concerts and songs individually, and also enable users to purchase a monthly subscription.
The company is pricing each product as follows:
- Subscription (monthly): 8.99€
- Live-concert: 24.99€
- Recorded concert: 14.99€
- Single song: 2.49€
The song pricing is slightly higher than what you would find on a digital store, the reason for the higher cost, is that the songs that are being purchased are technically complete 360 degree video portions of an event or festival, so you are getting much more than a song.
The company is expecting to make over 250,000€ in its first three months of operation, over €8M in its second year (3,200% increase in revenue) and over 23M€ in its third year (300% increase). The goal is ambitious, but the company thinks it is conservative based on the traction they’ve received already.
The purpose of the tokenization of the platform is to create a microeconomy similar to that of kik’s kin and other social network platforms, that enable multiple players to pay and sell the creation of their content. In the case of concertVR, they will enable artists to sell their music directly to the public through the platform, through tickets, subscriptions, and even enabling the sale of merchandise and other licensed products.
The company had a fantastic Pre-ICO and was able to sell out in only 4 days. Raising 1,200 ETH (~$600,000). The company is now looking to raise 60,000 ETH (~$30M USD) through their ICO.
The company was looking to launch their ICO on April 2nd, 2018. Due to the recent news from Google, Facebook, and Twitter, to ban all cryptocurrency-related companies from their Ads offerings, the company has decided to delay their ICO until April 15th.
Token Distribution
Based on their white paper this is how their token distribution looks like:
- 55% sold during token sale
- 18% used to develop the platform and maintenance
- 12% will be given to advisors
- 10% held by the company
- 5% will be reserved for partnerships with artists and others
The biggest challenges the company will face will be to convince users that they will continue to grow as fast as they need to, and the fact that they are arbitrarily fundraising at a valuation of over $50M USD pre-revenue, may bring considerable difficulties to the companies ability to fundraise.
The Market
The Virtual Reality Market was valued at $5.2B in 2016 and is expected to grow to $162B by 2022. Some of the most interesting investments in technology in the last couple of years have been around the creation of VR hardware, so it is expected that there will be a 40 fold increase in the amount of people owning this hardware within the next 4 years.
Festivals are also extremely difficult events to organize, prepare, and execute. Let alone verify. Almost exactly a year ago, Billy McFarland was supposed to create one of the most exclusive and interesting festivals in the world. The Fyre Festival. The event was supposed to occur in the Bahamas over the weekends of mid April to the beginning of May 2017. Once people actually landed on the island, they were horrified to discover the event did not exist as promised, and as a result the organizers are currently facing over 8 lawsuits with an estimated value exceeding $100M USD in damages.
The company has been working on the project since 2016 and claims to have a fully functioning prototype. Their demo can be found on the following YouTube video:
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