Mount Kimbie (& Moderat) || Podruhé na nich, poprvé na nich
Can you imagine going to a different country to see a band and miss it because of a 3 hour long queue?
^ That pretty much sums up my first going to see Mount Kimbie to Berlin when they were the support band to Moderat's last show back in September, 2017. There was only one narrow entrance, thousands of people and not enough beer.

We did miss Mount Kimbie that night if you didn't quite get that but thankfully we got to see Moderat and since it was Moderat's last concert they really were our priority that night. Unfortunately though, there were some really sad people from Belgium that went to Berlin only to see Mount Kimbie and missed them for the same reasons. Better luck next time for all of us, I guess.

Anyway, As you might imagine from the photo above, I did get to see them. In November instead of September though when they came to Prague's Meet Factory.
What a concert really, 7-8 out of 10, would wait in the queue again. Well, actually there was no queue this time but you get the point. (7/10 is high if you couldn't tell)
What bands did you see last year, where did you go?