Hey steemit! I'm trying to find some users who know computer gaming. I'm looking for a laptop that can run NEWish games on low - medium graphics. I'm not looking for something that can run every current game on ultra. I'm also looking to spend under $700 USD. Please skip all "Laptops aren't for gaming" comments. I obviously understand that but I'm looking for something mobile! Geforce dedicated grapihcs card is a plus! Will upvote helpful comments!
Here you go https://www.amazon.com/HP-15-6-Inch-Touchscreen-Processor-Win10-Silver/dp/B071HPTRTD/ref=as_li_ss_tl?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1498034297&sr=1-22&refinements=p_36:2421888011,p_n_graphics_type_browse-bin:14292273011&linkCode=sl1&tag=opcoupon-20&linkId=d59cd27cef2a66ddf785340bb1c43e5d