How To Compress / Minimize Video Size Without Reducing Video Quality
Each size of 16 videos is very small for me, which is about 12 MBs with mp4 format. Well, just that time I combine the Video using Adobe Premiere software I used to use to edit the video. After I combine so one video, then I export into format .avi. As a result I was shocked the size of the video that I combined was to be about 2GB (more precisely 2,203,645 KB).
As a result I find a way to shrink the video file size. I googling finally found the software that greatly diminished the file size. From 2GB to 15 MB. I use Handbrake to compress the video size. This app is very small.
How to Compress or Minimize Video Size
Firstly download the required software, that is Handbrake.
Install software as usual, stay next next aja. Run Handbrake.
If it is opened, we first input the video file that would be compressed, how to click
Source-> File.
Find the files you want to compress, select, open. I chose a file named Sequence01.avi (2GB).
You can see the video I selected above its size is 2GB. The next step specifies the destination for the compress result, the compressed file will be stored in the destination folder. Click Browse. My file is named Video Compress.mp4.
After that we set the Output Setting, as below.
Then, set Video Codec as below.
Ready, click the Start button above.
The process will run.
After the process is complete, we see the compressed files in the destination folder. Compare, video files before compressed and after. Changed drastically from 2GB to 15MB. The quality of the video did not go down, still good.