Most Recent Arxiv Papers In Nonlinear Sciences 2|2019-07-21

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Pattern Formation And Solitons

On a nonlinear model of the localized vacuum hypothesis, for solving the cosmological constant problem (1907.02781v3)

Rishat Salimov


A new model of oscillators was suggested, in which an oscillating particle in the minimum energy state has a nonzero velocity. A system consisting of a point material particle and a scalar field described by the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation has been considered. It has been shown that, when taking into account relativistic effects, in the case of small rest masses of a particle an energy minimum at zero velocity is impossible for such a particle. It is showed that the behavior of a field in such a system is not stationary and is characterized by the presence of waves emitted and absorbed by the system in the minimum energy state. The system properties having being analyzed, a concept of the local vacuum was suggested; it was showed that the local vacuum hypothesis is useful in solving the cosmological constant problem.

Bound state soliton gas dynamics underlying the noise-induced modulational instability (1907.07914v1)

Andrey Gelash, Dmitry Agafontsev, Vladimir Zakharov, Gennady El, Stephane Randoux, Pierre Suret


We investigate theoretically the fundamental phenomenon of the spontaneous, noise-induced modulational instability (MI) of a plane wave. The long-term statistical properties of the noise-induced MI have been previously observed in experiments and in simulations but have not been explained so far. In the framework of inverse scattering transform (IST), we propose a model of the asymptotic stage of the noise-induced MI based on -soliton solutions (-SS) of the integrable focusing one-dimensional nonlinear Schr"odinger equation (1D-NLSE). These -SS are bound states of strongly interacting solitons having a specific distribution of the IST eigenvalues together with random phases. We use a special approach to construct ensembles of multi-soliton solutions with statistically large number of solitons . Our investigation demonstrates complete agreement in spectral (Fourier) and statistical properties between the long-term evolution of the condensate perturbed by noise and the constructed multi-soliton bound states. Our results can be generalised to a broad class of integrable turbulence problems in the cases when the wave field dynamics is strongly nonlinear and driven by solitons.

Angular and radial correlation scaling in stochastic growth morphodynamics: a unifying fractality framework (1803.03715v2)

J. R. Nicolás-Carlock, J. M. Solano-Altamirano, J. L. Carrillo-Estrada


Fractal/non-fractal morphological transitions allow for the systematic study of the physical mechanisms behind fractal morphogenesis in nature. In these systems, the fractal dimension is considered a non-thermal order parameter, commonly and equivalently computed from the scaling of quantities such as the two-point density radial or angular correlations. However, persistent discrepancies found during the analysis of basic models, using these two quantification methods, demand important clarifications. In this work, considering three fundamental fractal/non-fractal transitions in two dimensions, we show that the unavoidable emergence of growth anisotropies is responsible for the breaking-down of the radial-angular equivalence, rendering the angular correlation scaling crucial for establishing appropriate order parameters. Specifically, we show that the angular scaling behaves as a critical power-law, whereas the radial scaling as an exponential, that, under the fractal dimension interpretation, resemble first- and second-order transitions, respectively. Remarkably, these and previous results can be unified under a single fractal dimensionality equation.

High-order couplings in geometric complex networks of neurons (1907.06765v1)

A. Tlaie, I. Leyva, I. Sendiña


We explore the consequences of introducing higher-order interactions in a geometric complex network of Morris-Lecar neurons. We focus on the regime where travelling synchronization waves are observed out of a first-neighbours based coupling, to evaluate the changes induced when higher-order dynamical interactions are included. We observe that the travelling wave phenomenon gets enhanced by these interactions, allowing the information to travel further in the system without generating pathological full synchronization states. This scheme could be a step towards a simple modelization of neuroglial networks.

Self-Localized Solitons of the Nonlinear Wave Blocking Problem (1907.03857v2)

Cihan Bayindir


In this paper, we propose a numerical framework to study the shapes, dynamics and the stabilities of the self-localized solutions of the nonlinear wave blocking problem. With this motivation, we use the nonlinear Schr"odinger equation (NLSE) derived by Smith as a model for the nonlinear wave blocking. We propose a spectral renormalization method (SRM) to find the self-localized solitons of this model. We show that for constant, linearly varying or sinusoidal current gradient, i.e. dU/dx, the self-localized solitons of the Smith's NLSE do exist. Additionally, we propose a spectral scheme with 4th order Runge-Kutta time integrator to study the temporal dynamics and stabilities of such solitons. We observe that self-localized solitons are stable for the cases of constant or linearly varying current gradient however, they are unstable for sinusoidal current gradient, at least for the selected parameters. We comment on our findings and discuss the importance and the applicability of the proposed approach.

Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Separation of variables bases for integrable and Hubbard models (1907.08124v1)

J. M. Maillet, G. Niccoli, L. Vignoli


We construct quantum Separation of Variables (SoV) bases for both the fundamental inhomogeneous supersymmetric integrable models and for the inhomogeneous Hubbard model both defined with quasi-periodic twisted boundary conditions given by twist matrices having simple spectrum. The SoV bases are obtained by using the integrable structure of these quantum models,i.e. the associated commuting transfer matrices, following the general scheme introduced in [1]; namely, they are given by set of states generated by the multiple actions of the transfer matrices on generic co-vectors. The existence of such SoV bases implies that the corresponding transfer matrices have non degenerate spectrum and that they are diagonalizable with simple spectrum if the twist matrices defining the quasi-periodic boundary conditions have that property. Moreover, in these SoV bases the resolution of the transfer matrix eigenvalue problem leads to the resolution of the full spectral problem, i.e. both eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Indeed, to any eigenvalue is associated the unique (up to a trivial overall normalization) eigenvector whose wave-function in the SoV bases is factorized into products of the corresponding transfer matrix eigenvalue computed on the spectrum of the separate variables. As an application, we characterize completely the transfer matrix spectrum in our SoV framework for the fundamental supersymmetric integrable model associated to a special class of twist matrices. From these results we also prove the completeness of the Bethe Ansatz for that case. The complete solution of the spectral problem for fundamental inhomogeneous supersymmetric integrable models and for the inhomogeneous Hubbard model under the general twisted boundary conditions will be addressed in a future publication.

A PDE Approach to the Combinatorics of the Full Map Enumeration Problem: Exact Solutions and their Universal Character (1907.08026v1)

Nicholas M. Ercolani, Patrick Waters


Maps are polygonal cellular networks on Riemann surfaces. This paper completes a program of constructing closed form general representations for the enumerative generating functions associated to maps of fixed but arbitrary genus. These closed form expressions have a universal character in the sense that they are independent of the explicit valence distribution of the tiling polygons. Nevertheless the valence distributions may be recovered from the closed form generating functions by a remarkable {\it unwinding identity} in terms of the Appell polynomials generated by Bessel functions. Our treatment, based on random matrix theory and Riemann-Hilbert problems for orthogonal polynomials reveals the generating functions to be solutions of nonlinear conservation laws and their prolongations. This characterization enables one to gain insights that go beyond more traditional methods that are purely combinatorial. Universality results are connected to stability results for characteristic singularities of conservation laws that were studied by Caflisch, Ercolani, Hou and Landis as well as directly related to universality results for random matrix spectra as described by Deift, Kriecherbauer, McLaughlin, Venakides and Zhou.

Bound state soliton gas dynamics underlying the noise-induced modulational instability (1907.07914v1)

Andrey Gelash, Dmitry Agafontsev, Vladimir Zakharov, Gennady El, Stephane Randoux, Pierre Suret


We investigate theoretically the fundamental phenomenon of the spontaneous, noise-induced modulational instability (MI) of a plane wave. The long-term statistical properties of the noise-induced MI have been previously observed in experiments and in simulations but have not been explained so far. In the framework of inverse scattering transform (IST), we propose a model of the asymptotic stage of the noise-induced MI based on -soliton solutions (-SS) of the integrable focusing one-dimensional nonlinear Schr"odinger equation (1D-NLSE). These -SS are bound states of strongly interacting solitons having a specific distribution of the IST eigenvalues together with random phases. We use a special approach to construct ensembles of multi-soliton solutions with statistically large number of solitons . Our investigation demonstrates complete agreement in spectral (Fourier) and statistical properties between the long-term evolution of the condensate perturbed by noise and the constructed multi-soliton bound states. Our results can be generalised to a broad class of integrable turbulence problems in the cases when the wave field dynamics is strongly nonlinear and driven by solitons.

Quantum spin chains from Onsager algebras and reflection -matrices (1907.07881v1)

Atsuo Kuniba, Vincent Pasquier


We present a representation of the generalized -Onsager algebras , , , and in which the generators are expressed as local Hamiltonians of XXZ type spin chains with various boundary terms reflecting the Dynkin diagrams. Their symmetry is described by the reflection matrices which are obtained recently by a -boson matrix product construction related to the 3D integrability and characterized by Onsager coideals of quantum affine algebras. The spectral decomposition of the matrices with respect to the classical part of the Onsager algebra is described conjecturally. We also include a proof of a certain invariance property of boundary vectors in the -boson Fock space playing a key role in the matrix product construction.

Collective Heavy Top Dynamics (1907.07819v1)

Tomoki Ohsawa


We construct a Poisson map with respect to the canonical Poisson bracket on and the -Lie--Poisson bracket on the dual of the Lie algebra of the special Euclidean group . The essential part of this map is the momentum map associated with the cotangent lift of the natural right action of the semidirect product Lie group on . This Poisson map gives rise to a canonical Hamiltonian system on whose solutions are mapped by to solutions of the heavy top equations. We show that the Casimirs of the heavy top dynamics and the additional conserved quantity of the Lagrange top correspond to the Noether conserved quantities associated with certain symmetries of the canonical Hamiltonian system. We also construct a Lie--Poisson integrator for the heavy top dynamics by combining the Poisson map with a simple symplectic integrator, and demonstrate that the integrator exhibits either exact or near conservation of the conserved quantities of the Kovalevskaya top.

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