Most Recent Arxiv Papers In Nonlinear Sciences 2|2019-07-13

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Pattern Formation And Solitons

Pattern formation in the presence of memory (1907.05304v1)

Reza Torabi, Jörn Davidsen


We study reaction-diffusion systems beyond the Markovian approximation to take into account the effect of memory on the formation of spatio-temporal patterns. Using a non-Markovian Brusselator model as a paradigmatic example, we show how to use reductive perturbation to investigate the formation and stability of patterns. Focusing in detail on the Hopf instability and short-term memory, we derive the corresponding complex Ginzburg-Landau equation that governs the amplitude of the critical mode and we establish the explicit dependence of its parameters on the memory properties. Numerical solution of this memory dependent complex Ginzburg-Landau equation as well as direct numerical simulation of the non-Markovian Brusselator model illustrate that memory changes the properties of the spatio-temporal patterns. Our results indicate that going beyond the Markovian approximation might be necessary to study the formation of spatio-temporal patterns even in systems with short-term memory. At the same time, our work opens up a new window into the control of these patterns using memory.

Double jump phase transition in a soliton cellular automaton (1706.05621v4)

Lionel Levine, Hanbaek Lyu, John Pike


In this paper, we consider the soliton cellular automaton introduced in [Takahashi 1990] with a random initial configuration. We give multiple constructions of a Young diagram describing various statistics of the system in terms of familiar objects like birth-and-death chains and Galton-Watson forests. Using these ideas, we establish limit theorems showing that if the first boxes are occupied independently with probability , then the number of solitons is of order for all , and the length of the longest soliton is of order for , order for , and order for . Additionally, we uncover a condensation phenomenon in the supercritical regime: For each fixed , the top soliton lengths have the same order as the longest for , whereas all but the longest have order at most for . As an application, we obtain scaling limits for the lengths of the longest increasing and decreasing subsequences in a random stack-sortable permutation of length in terms of random walks and Brownian excursions.

Coexisting Ordered States, Local Equilibrium-like Domains, and Broken Ergodicity in a Non-turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard Convection at Steady-state (1812.06002v4)

Atanu Chatterjee, Yash Yadati, Nicholas Mears, Germano Iannacchione


A challenge in fundamental physics and especially in thermodynamics is to understand emergent order in far-from-equilibrium systems. While at equilibrium, temperature plays the role of a key thermodynamic variable whose uniformity in space and time defines the equilibrium state the system is in, this is not the case in a far-from-equilibrium driven system. When energy flows through a finite system at steady-state, temperature takes on a time-independent but spatially varying character. In this study, the convection patterns of a Rayleigh-B{'e}nard fluid cell at steady-state is used as a prototype system where the temperature profile and fluctuations are measured spatio-temporally. The thermal data is obtained by performing high-resolution real-time infrared calorimetry on the convection system as it is first driven out-of-equilibrium when the power is applied, achieves steady-state, and then as it gradually relaxes back to room temperature equilibrium when the power is removed. Our study provides new experimental data on the non-trivial nature of thermal fluctuations when stable complex convective structures emerge. The thermal analysis of these convective cells at steady-state further yield local equilibrium-like statistics. In conclusion, these results correlate the spatial ordering of the convective cells with the evolution of the system's temperature manifold.

Immiscible and miscible states in binary condensates in the ring geometry (1905.04584v2)

Zhaopin Chen, Yongyao Li, Nikolaos P. Proukakis, Boris A. Malomed


We report detailed investigation of the existence and stability of mixed and demixed modes in binary atomic Bose-Einstein condensates with repulsive interactions in a ring-trap geometry. The stability of such states is examined through eigenvalue spectra for small perturbations, produced by the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations, and directly verified by simulations based on the coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations, varying inter- and intra-species scattering lengths so as to probe the entire range of miscibility-immiscibility transitions. In the limit of the one-dimensional (1D) ring, i.e., a very narrow one, stability of mixed states is studied analytically, including hidden-vorticity (HV) modes, i.e., those with opposite vorticities of the two components and zero total angular momentum. The consideration of demixed 1D states reveals, in addition to stable composite single-peak structures, double- and triple-peak ones, above a certain particle-number threshold. In the 2D annular geometry, stable demixed states exist both in radial and azimuthal configurations. We find that stable radially-demixed states can carry arbitrary vorticity and, counter-intuitively, the increase of the vorticity enhances stability of such states, while unstable ones evolve into randomly oscillating angular demixed modes. The consideration of HV states in the 2D geometry expands the stability range of radially-demixed states.

Phonon and Shifton from a Real Modulated Scalar (1907.04069v1)

Daniele Musso, Daniel Naegels


We study a massive real scalar field that breaks translation symmetry dynamically. Higher-gradient terms favour modulated configurations and neither finite density nor temperature are needed. In the broken phase, the energy density depends on the spatial position and the linear fluctuations show phononic dispersion. We then study a related massless scalar model where the modulated vacua break also the field shift symmetry and give rise to an additional Nambu-Goldstone mode, the shifton. We discuss the independence of the shifton and the phonon and draw an analogy to rotons in superfluids. Proceeding from first-principles, we re-obtain and generalise some standard results for one-dimensional lattices. Eventually, we prove stability against geometric deformations extending existing analyses for elastic media to the higher-derivatives cases.

Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Continued fractions and Hankel determinants from hyperelliptic curves (1907.05204v1)

Andrew N. W. Hone


Following van der Poorten, we consider a family of nonlinear maps which are generated from the continued fraction expansion of a function on a hyperelliptic curve of genus . Using the connection with the classical theory of J-fractions and orthogonal polynomials, we show that in the simplest case this provides a straightforward derivation of Hankel determinant formulae for the terms of a general Somos-4 sequence, which were found in a particular form by Chang, Hu and Xin, We extend these formulae to the higher genus case, and prove that generic Hankel determinants in genus two satisfy a Somos-8 relation. Moreover, for all we show that the iteration for the continued fraction expansion is equivalent to a discrete Lax pair with a natural Poisson structure, and the associated nonlinear map is a discrete integrable system. This paper is dedicated to the memory of Jon Nimmo.

Generalized primitive potentials (1907.05038v1)

Dmitry Zakharov, Vladimir Zakharov


In our previous work, we introduced a new class of bounded potentials of the one-dimensional Schr"odinger operator on the real axis, and a corresponding family of solutions of the KdV hierarchy. These potentials, which we call primitive, are obtained as limits of rapidly decreasing reflectionless potentials, or multisoliton solutions of KdV. In this note, we introduce generalized primitive potentials, which are obtained as limits of all rapidly decreasing potentials of the Schr"odinger operator. These potentials are constructed by solving a contour problem, and are determined by a pair of positive functions on a finite interval and a functional parameter on the real axis.

Double jump phase transition in a soliton cellular automaton (1706.05621v4)

Lionel Levine, Hanbaek Lyu, John Pike


In this paper, we consider the soliton cellular automaton introduced in [Takahashi 1990] with a random initial configuration. We give multiple constructions of a Young diagram describing various statistics of the system in terms of familiar objects like birth-and-death chains and Galton-Watson forests. Using these ideas, we establish limit theorems showing that if the first boxes are occupied independently with probability , then the number of solitons is of order for all , and the length of the longest soliton is of order for , order for , and order for . Additionally, we uncover a condensation phenomenon in the supercritical regime: For each fixed , the top soliton lengths have the same order as the longest for , whereas all but the longest have order at most for . As an application, we obtain scaling limits for the lengths of the longest increasing and decreasing subsequences in a random stack-sortable permutation of length in terms of random walks and Brownian excursions.

-type Fermions and -type KP hierarchy (1907.04226v1)

Na Wang, Chuanzhong Li


In this paper, we firstly construct -type Fermions. According to these, we define -type Boson-Fermion correspondence which is a generalization of the classical Boson-Fermion correspondence. We can obtain -type symmetric functions from the -type Boson-Fermion correspondence, analogously to the way we get the Schur functions from the classical Boson-Fermion correspondence (which is the same thing as the Jacobi-Trudi formula). Then as a generalization of KP hierarchy, we construct the -type KP hierarchy and obtain its tau functions.

Quantum torus symmetries of multicomponent modified KP hierarchy and reductions (1907.04688v1)

Chuanzhong Li, Jipeng Cheng


In this paper, we construct the multicomponent modified KP hierarchy and its additional symmetries. The additional symmetries constitute an interesting multi-folds quantum torus type Lie algebra. By a reduction, we also construct the constrained multicomponent modified KP hierarchy and its Virasoro type additional symmetries.

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