Most Recent Arxiv Papers In Nonlinear Sciences 2|2019-05-01

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Pattern Formation And Solitons

A Split-Step Fourier Scheme for the Dissipative Kundu-Eckhaus Equation and its Rogue Wave Dynamics (1904.12809v1)

Cihan Bayindir, Hazal Yurtbak


We investigate the rogue wave dynamics of the dissipative Kundu-Eckhaus equation. With this motivation, we propose a split-step Fourier scheme for its numerical solution. After testing the accuracy and stability of the scheme using an analytical solution as a benchmark problem, we analyze the chaotic wave fields generated by the modulation instability within the frame of the dissipative Kundu-Eckhaus equation. We discuss the effects of various parameters on rogue wave formation probability and we also discuss the role of dissipation on occurrences of such waves.

Vortex solitons: Old results and new perspectives (1904.12081v1)

Boris A. Malomed


A review is given of some well-known and some recent results for two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) solitons, with emphasis on states carrying embedded vorticity. Unlike typically stable 1D solitons, 2D and 3D ones are vulnerable to instabilities induced by the critical and supercritical collapse, respectively, in the 2D and 3D models with cubic focusing nonlinearity. Vortex solitons are subject to a still stronger splitting instability. For this reason, a central problem is looking for physical settings in which 2D and 3D solitons may be stabilized. The review addresses, first, two well-established topics, viz., the stabilization of vortex solitons by means of competing nonlinearities, or by trapping potentials (harmonic-oscillator and spatially-periodic ones). The former topic includes a new addition, viz., the prediction of robust quantum droplets. Two other topics outline new schemes elaborated for the creation of stable vortical solitons. One scheme relies on the use of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in binary BEC, making it possible to predict stable 2D and 3D solitons, which couple or mix components with vorticities S=0 and (+/-)1 (semi-vortices (SVs) or mixed modes (MMs), respectively). In this system, the situation is different in the 2D and 3D geometries. In 2D, SOC helps to create a ground state (GS), represented by stable SV or MM solitons, whose norm falls below the threshold value at which the critical collapse sets in. In the 3D geometry, the supercritical collapse does not allow one to create a GS, but metastable solitons of the SV and MM types can be constructed. Another new scheme makes it possible to create stable 2D vortex-ring solitons with arbitrarily high S in a binary BEC with components coupled by microwave radiation. Some other topics are addressed too, such as vortex solitons in dissipative media and attempts to create vortex solitons in experiments.

Experimental evidence of a hydrodynamic soliton gas (1904.11762v1)

Ivan Redor, Eric Barthélemy, Hervé Michallet, Miguel Onorato, Nicolas Mordant


We report on an experimental realization of a bi-directional soliton gas in a 34~m-long wave flume in shallow water regime. We take advantage of the fission of a sinusoidal wave to inject continuously solitons that propagate along the tank, back and forth. Despite the unavoidable damping, solitons retain adiabatically their profile, while decaying. The outcome is the formation of a stationary state characterized by a dense soliton gas whose statistical properties are well described by a pure integrable dynamics. The basic ingredient in the gas, i.e. the two-soliton interaction, is studied in details and compared favourably with the analytical solutions of the Kaup-Boussinesq integrable equation. High resolution space-time measurements of the surface elevation in the wave flume provide a unique tool for studying experimentally the whole spectrum of excitations.

Directed Flow of Information in Chimera States (1904.11553v1)

Nicolás Deschle, Andreas Daffertshofer, Demian Battaglia, Erik A. Martens


We investigated interactions within chimera states in a phase oscillator network with two coupled subpopulations. To quantify interactions within and between these subpopulations, we estimated the corresponding (delayed) mutual information that -- in general -- quantifies the capacity or the maximum rate at which information can be transferred to recover a sender's information at the receiver with a vanishingly low error probability. After verifying their equivalence with estimates based on the continuous phase data, we determined the mutual information using the time points at which the individual phases passed through their respective Poincar'{e} sections. This stroboscopic view on the dynamics may resemble, e.g., neural spike times, that are common observables in the study of neuronal information transfer. This discretization also increased processing speed significantly, rendering it particularly suitable for a fine-grained analysis of the effects of experimental and model parameters. In our model, the delayed mutual information within each subpopulation peaked at zero delay, whereas between the subpopulations it was always maximal at non-zero delay, irrespective of parameter choices. We observed that the delayed mutual information of the desynchronized subpopulation preceded the synchronized subpopulation. Put differently, the oscillators of the desynchronized subpopulation were 'driving' the ones in the synchronized subpopulation. These findings were also observed when estimating mutual information of the full phase trajectories. We can thus conclude that the delayed mutual information of discrete time points allows for inferring a functional directed flow of information between subpopulations of coupled phase oscillators.

Attraction centers and PT-symmetric delta-functional dipoles in critical and supercritical self-focusing media (1904.10821v1)

Li Wang, Boris A. Malomed, Zhenya Yan


We introduce a model based on the one-dimensional nonlinear Schroedinger equation (NLSE) with the critical (quintic) or supercritical self-focusing nonlinearity. We demonstrate that a family of solitons, which are unstable in this setting against collapse, is stabilized by pinning to an attractive defect, that may also include a parity-time (PT)-symmetric gain-loss component. The model can be realized as a planar waveguide in optics, and in a super-Tonks-Girardeau bosonic gas. For the attractive defect with the delta-functional profile, a full family of the pinned solitons is found in an exact form. In the absence of the gain-loss term, the solitons' stability is investigated analytically too, by means of the Vakhitov-Kolokolov criterion; in the presence of the PT-balanced gain and loss, the stability is explored by means of numerical methods. In particular, the entire family of pinned solitons is stable in the quintic medium if the gain-loss term is absent. A stability region for the pinned solitons persists in the model with an arbitrarily high power of the self-focusing nonlinearity. A weak gain-loss component gives rise to alternations of stability and instability in the system's parameter plane. Those solitons which are unstable under the action of the supercritical self-attraction are destroyed by the collapse. If the self-attraction-driven instability is weak and the gain-loss term is present, unstable solitons spontaneously transform into localized breathers. The same outcome may be caused by a combination of the critical nonlinearity with the gain and loss. Instability of the solitons is also possible when the PT-symmetric gain-loss term is added to the subcritical nonlinearity. The system with self-repulsive nonlinearity is briefly considered too, producing completely stable families of pinned localized states.

Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Classification of integrable vector equations of geometric type (1904.09351v2)

Anatoly Meshkov, Vladimir Sokolov


A complete classification of isotropic vector equations of the geometric type that possess higher symmetries is proposed. New examples of integrable multi-component systems of the geometric type and their auto-Backlund transformations are found.

Dissipative Quantum Ising chain as a non-Hermitian Ashkin-Teller model (1904.12505v1)

Naoyuki Shibata, Hosho Katsura


We study a quantum Ising chain with tailored bulk dissipation, which can be mapped onto a non-Hermitian Ashkin-Teller model. By exploiting the Kohmoto-den Nijs--Kadanoff transformation, we further map it to a staggered XXZ spin chain with pure-imaginary anisotropy parameters. This allows us to study the eigenstates of the original Liouvillian in great detail. We show that the steady state in each parity sector is a completely mixed state. The uniqueness of each is proved rigorously. We then study the decay modes on the self-dual line corresponding to the uniform XXZ chain and obtain an exact formula for the Liouvillian gap , the inverse relaxation time, in the thermodynamic limit. The gap as a function of dissipation strength has a cusp, implying a kind of phase transition for the first decay mode.

Traveling Electromagnetic Waves in Annular Josephson Tunnel Junctions (1904.12184v1)

Roberto Monaco


It is well known that long Josephson tunnel junctions (JTJs) act as active transmission lines for the slow-mode propagation of magnetic flux-quanta (in the form of solitary waves) that is at the base of many superconducting circuits. At the same time, they support the propagation of quasi-TEM dispersive waves with which the magnetic flux non-linearly interact. In this work, we study the properties of the electromagnetic resonances, under different conditions of practical interest, in annular JTJs (AJTJs), in which the wavelengths are limited to the length of the circumference divided by an integer. Our analysis is based on perturbed sine-Gordon equations the (1+1)-dimensional space with periodic boundary conditions. We discuss the discrete modes of the travelling EM waves in circular annular JTJs in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field, as well as in the recently introduced confocal annular JTJs (in the absence of magnetic field). In both cases, a variable-separation method leads to quantitatively different Mathieu equations characterized by even and odd spatially periodic solutions with different eigen-frequencies. It implicates that a single mode circulating wave is given by the superposition of two standing waves with the same wavelengths but different frequencies, and so has a periodically inverting direction of propagation. The control parameters of this frequency splitting are the in-plane magnetic field amplitude for the circular AJTJ and the aspect ratio for the confocal AJTJs. In the appropriate limits, the previously known solutions are recovered.

Construction of Two Parametric Deformation of KdV-Hierarchy and Solution in Terms of Meromorphic Functions on the Sigma Divisor of a Hyperelliptic Curve of Genus 3 (1811.07138v2)

Takanori Ayano, Victor Buchstaber


Buchstaber and Mikhailov introduced the polynomial dynamical systems in with two polynomial integrals on the basis of commuting vector fields on the symmetric square of hyperelliptic curves. In our previous paper, we constructed the field of meromorphic functions on the sigma divisor of hyperelliptic curves of genus 3 and solutions of the systems for by these functions. In this paper, as an application of our previous results, we construct two parametric deformation of the KdV-hierarchy. This new system is integrated in the meromorphic functions on the sigma divisor of hyperelliptic curves of genus 3. In Section 8 of our previous paper [Funct. Anal. Appl. 51 (2017), 162-176], there are miscalculations. In appendix of this paper, we correct the errors.

Classifying two-dimensional integrable spin chains (1904.12005v1)

Marius de Leeuw, Anton Pribytok, Paul Ryan


We classify all two-dimensional fundamental integrable spin chains which have regular R-matrices of difference form. This means that the R-matrix underlying the integrable structures is of the form R(u,v)=R(u-v) and reduces to the permutation operator at some particular point. We find a total of 14 independent solutions, 8 of which correspond to well-known eight or lower vertex models. The remaining 6 models appear to be new and some have peculiar properties such as not being diagonalizable or being nilpotent. Furthermore, for even R-matrices, we find a bijection between solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation and the graded Yang-Baxter equation which extends our results to the graded two-dimensional case.

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