Principles of ReGenerative Learning
Principles of Regenerative Learning
The simplex framework to complexity
( We need a few more 'aye' s to proceed ) ☺️
Dasarath The smart VTOL Chariot that can move in any or all of 10 directions No ordinary vehicle but a thought experiment A system on a system No chips Hands free
1Home. Positioning There is always a solution and a still better one
2 A map of all maps exists There is no substitute for the visual
3 The non controversial reference point fot the measure of improvement in order Consensus is the basis of reality and dialogue the imperative
4 The context defines the meaning and the rule of four AI is the proof for NI System on a chip
5 The cellular.... Life defies death
6 Plant Rootedness of all The continuum of living | non living Emergence and inheritance
7 Animal Design is perfect understanding not
8 Human-ness is in conscious evolutionary improvement
9 Community is the measure of all things The new commons is doing well Build | Not | Break
10 Information, the Adult and politics of silence.Less than 1 % is responsible for the noise 10 is the minimum requisite variety in levels to deal with complexity
The room for improvement is forever empty![