Day Nine of Thirty
I've noticed this my self the last three or four years wandering around downtown Amarillo. It wasn't until our first snow fall this year, last Thursday that I realized that the plants here may prefer the cooler weather of spring and fall to the summer. After the snow melted the plants in my front yard seemed A LOT greener then they had ALL summer.
I think this is a great post. It is nice to be able to buy Lego like blocks without the brand price. I saw a bunch of these in Dollar tree today while I was out. I know Halloween is still a few days away but this would make great cheap Christmas presents.
I love seeing posts like this. Are we here to compete with each other or with who we were yesterday and all the days before? We all have different strengths and if we come together and collaborate then maybe we can succeed in achieving goals to make every day better then the one before.
We have to include the event of the month. I know Halloween is Thursday but here is a Halloween inktober drawing. I'll try and do one more for Halloween.
Including an image of nature is a must. I love watching insects of any kind.
There is nothing I enjoy more then reading personal growth experiences. They are stories you can learn from and maybe put into practice in your personal life.
Have you ever read or listened to books like Think and Grow Rich, Think Big or The Game of Life and How to Play It? Thinking is a major thing in personal development (growth).
Sometimes things need to be put in simple form in order to be understood. This article was fun to read.
This is something REALLY needs. It would be great to be able to read posts where the original language can be translated from it's origin.
Last but not least I leave you with these parting words to dwell on..