RIP @Wolfhart, Parting Wisdom and Celebration of Life

in #community5 years ago

Normally today would be our winner post, but that will wait until tomorrow or at least until later tonight. Sure Wolfhart would tell me to get my post done, but at the same time he always told me Family comes first and this is about Family.


@wolfhart passed away at 1am yesterday and I've chatted with many people about the loss of @wolfhart but realized I hadn't said anything in public yet. I'll be honest this is hard on me as we had become very close over the last year and half or so. We chatted a lot about all sorts of things way outside the scope of steem or pifc, he was a a Brother (an much older and wiser Brother) and will be missed.

While I knew this day was coming and was actually completely prepared for it last winter to happen his fighting spirit and ability to keep beating the odds left me thinking just maybe he'd be that fraction of a fraction of a percent that actually went into remission and still had enough of an immune system to survive.

His ability to hold on this long showed strength and courage that we should all strive for in our lives. To many of us make excuses of why we can't do something instead of just deciding that it must be done and then figuring out how to make it happen. @wolfhart was on a mission to reach Dolphin and made it just before passing away. His accomplished this mission even though he was in pain, on drugs that messed with his thought process, and at times couldn't even sit up physically.

This amazing will to achieve a goal even when life was doing everything possible to stop him is just one of the things I will remember about @wolfhart. Just another time he passed on wisdom to me.

Please Share

I know so many of you held @wolfhart in high regard and I'm sure others are saddened by his passing. Figured we could share a few stories here about @wolfhart, kind of a celebration of life as we knew him here on Steem.


My Brother you will be missed. You always were willing to spend time to hear about issues I might be dealing with, give advice that only can come from someone who truly cared, and always were straightforward and honest with me. Can't ask for much more out of anyone. For someone that I never got to meet face to face I feel like we really knew each other. My only regret is not finding a way to go have that beer with you.

Thank you for not going quietly into the night. Instead you fought the good fight and gained precious extra time with those you love.

Rest now, your fight is over.

I will be missing you Dear Wayne... @wolfhart! Remember me and my hubby as the dunk collector couple forever.. and I will remwmber you as a taurus not a cancer! You are the one that made me understand why I need to grow my account "one step at a time" ... eventhough I have read many great articles about "strategies on steemit" but.. through your earlier articles, it did inspires me to keep growing and active. I still remember one of your post that made me laugh... all day, even today when I think about you... you thought that the cat's scratching pad was a towel 😂😂😂😂😂 and your exceptional jokes about the hairs, the nipples... then your picture if you are an opposite gender..😂😂😂 while at the same time you're in pain 😭😭😭..

I felt so sorry that I couldn't type any comments on 10 last posts, I know you prepared me for this situation.. but still.. I need some more time to accept this. I still checking on ginabot for the tuesday blood test😢😔 I won't write about you soon, I can't!
You know I love you because you are @wolfhart, a brave and strong man with wonderful ability to encourage and entertain people through your posts and comments.

Wondering what are you doing there? Enjoying your dolphinhood? I reached my 600 and I'll follow your suggest to join the league, that's your last wish for me.. I knew it. Pain free @wolfhart... Rest in Peace and watch us from there if you're not busy sailing over the silver clouds.

Ps: Mrs @wolfhart, thank you for everything
Love from Indonesia, South East Asia, cici&dipo

I have been in tears and sad ever since Wolfs Son informed me of his passing. I have so Many memories but also so much respect. I met you both when i entered the house of paying forward. I was a small newbie and i had no experience what so ever. And you helped me become the steemian i am now. I love the legacy he left but i would have hopes that he would be still with is. So thank you and i Will treasure the blogs and the discord messages

Just getting the news this morning (here) about @wolfhart's passing. I am saddened by this news and will pray for his family.

While I did not have the history with @wolfhart others did, I always enjoyed the interaction we had and was impressed by his attitude. Like others have said here, there is little doubt he lived as long as he did because of it.

Certainly he would have encouraging words even now about the @pifc community and telling us to "keep fighting the good fight." I'm sure we will continue to do that in his honor.

I don't know you well like others here but for me you've always been solid as an oak under whose foliage many can find shelter. Since the beginning, when I met you at the greeters' guild, your humanity and ideals were standing out and inspiring those around you. Rest in peace, @wolfhart.

Like you @thedarkhorse, I began to truly believe that if anyone could beat the odds, it would have been @wolfhart. It's all finally hitting me today, and I'm simply heartbroken.

I was amazed how he always checked in and felt bad for what @briancourteau was going through, somehow seemingly ignoring his own pain in the process. That is a truly selfless man. He was my very good friend, and I'm going to miss him terribly... Brian and I have had a couple shots of tequila in his honor; I think he'd like that.

Many of you know that Brian and I rescued a kitten at the same time that wolfhart was diagnosed with cancer. We found her barely alive and brought her home and called her Wolfie because she was going to be a fighter just like our @wolfhart. The man wolfhart, always took great pleasure knowing that"he" was snuggled up with me in bed at night, pushing Brian away haha

I have this little namesake, scampering about as a constant reminder of the true heroic fight @wolfhart put up. Rest in pain-free peace my friend; we'll never forget you ❤️

I was often blown away by @wolfhart's honesty and straightforwardness when talking to everyone about his illness. He had a great attitude that made him strong. Even looking over the last few of his posts, I can see how much his wife loves him - and how he tried so desperately to keep a positive light on everything.

We will all miss him, very much. But I know he's out of pain - and is watching over this community even now, cheering everyone on - and yes, probably scolding @thedarkhorse about the late post! :-)

and yes, probably scolding @thedarkhorse about the late post! :-)

I'm sure he is.

LOL @thedarkhorse, he would kick your butt for calling him old. He's just a kid 😊. He would tease me about being up so late, I wasn't late to me. I was working graveyards. We would just chat about all sorts of things. And be silly. There was one night he was in a lot of pain and of course he didn't want to take a pain pill since he'd taken a half earlier 🙄. He just wanted to chat and giggle a little. He had actually fallen asleep on me. About an hour later I get the ping of a message and he was embarrassed. I just laughed and told him that's what he gets for staying up past his bedtime.

Some people might have thought I joked too much or seemed to 'ignore' some of the situation. I didn't, I did what he asked me to do. He said to keep him laughing. Plus, how can you not laugh at a birthday cake thief.

He fell asleep on me a couple times He would push himself all the time to keep going. We also always talked like there was a tomorrow as he didn't want to dwell on the issue at hand. He wanted each day to be about life, not death and I think that is largely why he survived as long as he did.

Exactly. He constantly would remind me. Of course I would say 'Ok Dad' Then the jokes about him only being old enough to be my son started.

I loved the birthday cake thief thing! So funny! I'm sure that's a photo that will always be treasured by the family too.

It is so hard to find words to say, I always struggle in these situations.

@wolfhart was an upstanding member of Steem and the @pifc. Honest, loyal and good at heart... these are the sorts of Steemians that make the community of @pifc such a special place. Committed to helping out newcomers to the platform... my contact with him on Steem and Discord was on and off... mostly depending on the amount of time that I had to lurk in the Discord/Steem channels... but I see that he has touched many familiar names in both channels. He will be sorely missed, as an upstanding member of the community... not defined by his fight against cancer (except in the way that it brought out the best in his character). I hope that his contact with @pifc and the larger Steem community helped him through the struggle.

I'm with you. Finding the words to convey the shock, sadness, anger, and the empty spot in your heart when someone you know passes is nearly impossible.

For sure being part of pifc and steem helped him in his last days. He loved being part of everything and knowing that he was helping others. He also enjoyed having a mission and then he reached that milestone which he thought was glad he reached it vs just missing it. He had a lot of pride about reaching Dolphin as silly as that might sound in the grad scheme of things.

Through @pifc get known with this amazing personality. Always there for help & advice.... You will be missed @wolfhart

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