Kudos to HIVE Fest Team

in #community2 years ago

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HIVE Fest was a in person conference for the first time in a couple of years this Summer. It was held in Amsterdam this time around which generated a good amount of interest from the global community of HIVE. I really wanted to go but scheduling was complicated for me to take that amount of time and travel even though location was interesting for me. However, I did not miss everything as the team that put everything together did a great job in production with the sessions being livestreamed.

I could see the event while it was live due to work and the time zone difference but I was able to see the recordings shortly after. This year the production was very good and the challenges experienced in the past in terms of video and audio did not appear at all this time. There were some alignment issues on showing the presentations for those viewing online but it was still a great production which I enjoy quite a bit.

While some presentations were from classic HIVE projects, there were a number of new projects or individuals that presented. Some had some really interesting dynamics for the ecosystem while others were really taking the community concepts to a new level. I think the most interesting ones for me were the projects from @Arcange which is a great developer in the ecosystem. I enjoyed his demo on HAS which I have already used a couple of times and think it has some great opportunities even outside the ecosystem. His Hive Five project was very exciting as onboarding continues to be a key area of opportunity for future growth.

While my engagement in the ecosystem remains focus on Splinterlands, I still look to grow and build my account in the HIVE blockchain. The potential for growth and the use cases continue to encourage my thoughts on the future of the ecosystem. Watching HIVE Fest made me continue to work on my path forward to engaging more and looking to build much more when opportunities arise. Things remain busy around my life but not a day goes by when I look at ways to create endeavors here in the ecosystem!

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