The Minnow Votes Project, Update, If You're Involved, Please Read and Respond, Thanks!

in #community7 years ago (edited)

Update on the Minnow Votes Project!

I have a tendency to think I can achieve anything. Seriously. If I can imagine it happening, why can't I make it a reality, and in many ways, I've been doing that my whole life, but sometimes, I speak too soon.

So, here's my dilemma. I'm 1000% committed to making this Minnow Votes Project thing happen, but, I think attempting to get a post to go to the top of trending on such short notice is likely doomed to failure.

  • Part of me says, just go for it and try it again until you succeed. But, I don't want to burn people out. Also, I don't want to appear greedy in asking for support for the project.
  • Another part of me knows, we need a realistic goal if we hope to achieve much by doing this. I don't want to get you out here, boost a post, and then nothing.
    We could spoil a good thing, before it even gets started.
  • Part of effective goal setting is making sure you can at least get close, so that you don't lose momentum.

I'm thinking that if we launch this, and it fizzles, it's unlikely some of you will want to participate a second time. However, if we postpone a few days, say until Wed. We could garner more support, so that this big post, when it does go up, has the best chance of success.

So, what do you think? At this point, I count about 50-75 votes we can count on, enough to earn a few bucks, but not enough to get us where we want to be.

So, I need some feedback,and if you respond, please tag someone else you know was interested. Let's see if we can't get a consensus on what we should do.

I'm going to put the tag list of everyone that "signed up" the other day, in this post.

Here's what I'm looking for, I'm not trying to re-engineer the project, it's still a simple, one post, one shot, one vote for everyone we can find thing. But, should we wait a few days to gather more support, or do the first one and see what happens?



I'm in whenever you decide to start the project.

@markrmorrisjr can you direct me to the original post about this again please? When you do decide on a definite day please give me at least a days notice and I will save my voting power so it will be as high as possible. My vote is only worth 0.01 at 100% but I will save my votes for this project if its possible. Although I am generous with my votes as much as I can be so its a little hard to hold out lol

@jan23com I just read the comment and I do have to say that it does raise a valid point to the discussion. However, I was one of the lucky few people to have attended the very first Dolphin School and I do believe that @markrmorrisjr worked endless hours for free helping multiple newbies grow their account. If it wasn't for that bootcamp, I would not have had such a boost in my account in such a short amount of time. There was a bit of disappointment from @markrmorrisjr as well as the students of the Dolphin School because we had originally thought that we would get a little bit more attention and interaction than we received. On a side note though, a few of us did get lucky and landed a $90+ plus payout, all thanks to the Dolphin School.

IF @markrmorrisjr is indeed doing this for the right reasons, it could be beneficial in some ways. Which if I understand it correctly, one of the reasons is to build @dolphinschool so that the next students can really benefit from it like it was originally meant to be. I completely see your concern as it could be a bit unnerving to watch or participate in a project and it make it to trending while your account is still tagging way below. On the other hand, it would be great to see a post make it to trending with the help of zero bots. I think it all comes down to your personal preference and how you view the situation. As with anything in life, it will work for some and not for others.

Thank you so much for directing me to the link! You really did tremendously help me out on that one :)

I followed at first. I upvoted some too, both in dolphinschool and markrmorrisjr along with some followers. maybe you got half a point from my upvote.
However, it does seem one-sided when you look at the user histories. Both accounts will upvote each other and very little from both account voting wise will go back to support a new user. At the same time, other's are criticised for upvoting their own comment from the same person.

I agree, that a lot of time is put into the work done. I do not think we should take everything a user may say at face value.
I am here to benefit if I can over time, and a reward of $90 for a post I made would be wonderful to me. a reward of $1 would be great too.

I looked at the histories of both accounts, over 20 days there had been 3 upvotes to others and the rest were upvotes to own accounts. Also the misuse of accounts owned by two others as stated in a reply by the user themselves. Using a relatives account to upvote your own posts can be classed as theft of opinion if not identity. If actions like this are acceptable. At what point does one person using the vote of another become wrong. Is it only when harm happens or is noticed?
I am not against Mark, I have my opinions and my own set of moral and ethical values. While I still upvote my own posts and comments. I share as much with other user's. Some I will give more votes to then I receive from as their vote is stronger than my own. On my own morals, I cannot support and promote this line of helping others.
But on the plus side, You got another follower.

Alright, you got me on this one. I don't really have a reply this time lol I will be looking into that further. I agree completely with what you are saying about the Upvotes. I do Upvote my own work sometimes too but also I am extremely generous with my Upvotes everyday. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

It is just my opinion, I may think too deep at times. But I like your discussion and open mind.

Wow. Cool. Good to know.

So, what is it you think I should change? I'm listening.

So, what are we talking about?

Let us compare what we have done when the game is over. I do not try to look or be cool, right. You are here for others to assist you in your own personal progress, which you admit here. I am no different to you or anyone else for that matter. You should concentrate on what you can do to improve you. You do not have to worry about what I do or do not do.

Opinions are only accepted to your reading when you agree. My opinion is not controlled by you or any other. the fact also you are not open to debate, leads to a conclusion you are also a dictatorial type person. Your experiment is flawed with its self-promotion style of encouragement to others. Providing a door to a destination does not give you any rights to own the opinion of any who may enter or peer through. Those are things beyond your control and my opinion will always be beyond your reach. I am not your sheep and I will not follow you blindly. While you may see yourself as the shepherd, I do not see you that way. Accept it get over it move on, cause that is what mature people do.

Do I tag on my posts? Where do I signup? Im new so Im still figuring things out. Anything on my end to help, Im in! Thanks for supporting the little guys!

Here I am reporting, I am the brother of @randybermudez you have my support also friend!

I think you should start with what you have and good people will be drawn to it

It’s seems like a few more people are joining the discord channel which tells me that we are gathering support. If we want to postpone it, I suggest that we move it to next weekend because people who have to work during the week may not be able to fully participate. Also, we may have a few more people at that time.

I'm also in! I loved some of your posts the other day, and if there's a way we can crack the steemit puzzle, I'm all in! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help!

I still want to participate whenever it happens, whether that be a few hours or a few days. I'm not a huge risk taker, so my gut says wait the few extra days. I think it's an important thing to do regardless.

Well, we're not risking much, I post things that go down to anonymity every day, so....LOL but, I'm not sure how to see it. What we might do is just keep pushing the whole seven days for new votes. I've got other ideas, what I'm excited by is how many people responded to this post. It means we can do SOMETHING. It just remains to be seen what, exactly, that will be.

good friend you have my support and my vote for what you want! and God want that dream that you have and that also would help us a lot to come true! Get more votes from me, hire my brother and my mom! We are 3 votes and we do not have much voting power but something is something and worse that nothing?

As long as I know which post to upvote I am in.

I think we'll postpone until next Sunday. I'll be spreading the word, but if you could help me with that, that would be great. I'd forgotten I've got a bunch of family coming over this evening and won't be able to manage this today.

Please let us know a little in advance on this post, please. I am up for this as I hope all of us will be.

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