6 Months to 1kSP: Why We Should All be Like @taskmaster4450 +Bonus Contest!

in #community6 years ago (edited)


Steem is a fascinating token, the first social media platform that allows people to earn rewards based on advertising-free content. In theory it's the perfect system to reward content creators, in application there has been a few kinks. But the thing is, all of these kinks come directly from fear.

The self voting.

The abuse of bidbots.

The complaining.

Everything negative about this place comes from fear. And the thing is, we've made fear comfortable. We're used to it, we pick it every time instead of choosing something new. Maybe I should elaborate...

  • We're afraid when we self vote incessantly, afraid that we won't have enough. Maybe we aren't prosperous yet, but that doesn't mean we can't become prosperous by choosing prosperity in attitude and action.

  • We're afraid when we use bid bots, afraid that we won't be seen. Afraid that our self-proclaimed important articles won't be found by the legions of should-be fans.

  • We're afraid steemit will fail, afraid the we're wasting our time on a scam that only rewards people who abuse the system. We're afraid the problems won't be fixed and that adoption won't happen.

I get it. I've felt all of these fears at one point or another in my six months here. I've voted up every article I've ever written, even the zappls. I've used bid bots on a number of articles. And I've felt the fear that maybe I would be better off spending my time doing something else, maybe I could make more money in a different venture or build a bigger following on twitter and youtube. I've felt like steemit is unfair sometimes, that the rich seem to get richer even though the content they produce is no better, often worse, than the minnows.


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But all that is counterproductive. I've been counterproductive to the success of the steem platform from time to time. I've fallen into negativity and times when I wasn't enthusiastic about the platform. And all it did was negatively affect my writing and success. Choosing fear and focusing on the negatives in life will only bring more negativity into our lives.

Resist not evil
-Matthew 5:39

What you resist not only persists, but will grow in size
-Carl Jung

It's so easy to get caught up in the problems and drama here. It's easy to focus on the negatives. What is not easy is focusing on the positives. But that's exactly how @taskmaster4450 operates here.

The Ideal Steemian

He who gives his best to the world will receive the best in return.
-Christian D. Larson

My pick for ideal steemian goes to @taskmaster4450. It's not because he's the one creating all the 3rd party apps or working as a witness(yet.) It's because he's unflinchingly positive about steem and the tokenized future.

Everyday @taskmaster4450 is cranking out article after shilled article in favor of steem and the ecosystem being developed here. He isn't focused on the negatives, he's looking at the good stuff. He keeps reminding us that steem and other tokens are going to be the future of money, because half the time we doubt it.

All of us on steemit are invested in cryptocurrency to one degree or another, all of us have that underlying belief and desire for crypto to succeed, for something more fair and more helpful than the monetary system we have had in place for the last hundred years. We're sick of being taken advantage of, and we think crypto has potential, but we're not all in. We aren't holding strong in our beliefs that this, or something like it, is the future.

Otherwise why would we be fighting? One of @taskmaster4450's most frequented topics is abundance. Prosperity for all. It's a challenging concept to believe in, we've always lived in lack in some form or another. "I have to work a job to pay the bills, I can't just give away my hard earned money, I have to spend frugally on groceries so I can afford so and so." We all have probably felt that at some point or another, but now an alternative is right in front of us.

Now we are on the way to being able to say "I made 50 bucks from writing for an hour today, I made a dollar searching with presearch, I got five dollars from manna this week, I played video games for $20 bucks this month." Mind-blowingly different. But in order to get to the mindset where that's normal, we have to leave the fear behind.

That means no more blaming. You want change? Make it happen yourself, start a movement to develop a new app or get your idea in front of someone who can help. Network. And no more complaining either, send your energy towards what you want to see. You want great content? Make some, comment on other people who are making some and give them your votes. You want a system that prevents any sort of abuse? Figure out how that would work, the devs and everyone else are probably brainstorming right now, why not join them?

It's so easy to start down the path of fear, greed, and judgement, but every time our thoughts and actions go in that direction, we are reinforcing those things in our world. So don't be like that, be like @taskmaster4450, the guy who posts positive articles everyday, comments and replies to nearly everyone he comes in contact with, supports the good causes and ignores the negatives, and grows the platform by helping grow the users.

I may be biased because he helped me grow my account from 0 to 1000SP, but it's little things like that, and his ability to consistently make me feel like this movement is hugely important to the well-being of all people, that make him one of my favorite steemians. Whenever you need a shot of positivity, maybe the market is down or no one responded to your article, head over to @taskmaster4450's blog for a boost. Let him shill you in all the right ways.


As part of my celebrating hitting 1kSP(I know, I know, it's not technically all SP yet) I've decided to hold a small contest. My first contest ever! Pretty simple, tell me about your favorite steemian and why. Rules below:

  • Comment or post about your favorite steemian. Give me some details about why you follow them and what they do for steemit and the people on here.
  • If you do a post, be sure to link me to it here or I may not see it.
  • Resteem this article, upvotes and follows are optional but appreciated
  • Winners (2) get 5 SBD and the steemian written about gets 3SBD.
  • If enough people participate I will be giving away 5 runner up prizes at 1SBD+1SBD for the highlighted blogger.

This article is my long overdue thank you to @taskmaster4450, he upvoted nearly every article I wrote in an attempt to get me to 1kSP as fast as possible. He also delegated around 150SP to get me a voting bar back when I was hitting steemit hard. I was absolutely floored when he chose me after seeing me hitting the comments hard. I don't think I've always lived up to the generosity in my writing and work, but I've tried my best to contribute to steemit and have been brainstorming new directions recently.

As an attempt to pay it forward I will be upvoting two people once a day at full power. I have two in mind and will be posting shortly about them.

As always, thanks for reading,



This ia a slam dunk easy one for me. My favorite steemite is @meesterboom. This guy is awesome, not only does he write amazing stories every day, including his cool two beer Saturday post reviews, but he has a daily story, some in a series that are very imaginative and original. Plus he spends time on cool graphics to add to the story. And he is from Scotland so he had a cool scottish brogue. But most of all, he has taken me under his wing and is very good about supporting my posts with upvotes. He has also encouraged me to stay on steemit when I have expressed frustration and offered sage advice about things. Just a great steemite, and he isn't even a whale (I don't think, maybe a dolphin? Heck I don't know who is what other than I am a minnow).
Sorry @jakeybrown, but if it makes you feel better you are a close second.

I am but a mere dolphin :0)

Cheers dude! Although these references to my bingo wings is killing me ;0)

Well your a whale to me! Ha ha. So do you know the full gammit of levels on steemit? I’ve never really heard for sure? Plankton, minnows, dolphins and whales are all I’m aware of!

Lol, I only know dolphin. Which is greater than 10,000 SP! I think a whale is more than 100,000

Great suggestion, @meesterboom is a really solid choice, I've checked out his stories from time to time and glad to hear he supports some of us small fries

My favourite Steemian is @abh12345. He is very similar to how you describe @taskmaster4450.

He runs the Curation Leagues which reward people for making the most of their SP and the Commenting Leagues which rewards people for good quality engagement.

He has also recently become a witness in an attempt to try and make Steemit more community focussed.

Recently @krnel was going on vacation for 6 days and, rather than leaving his SP sitting around doing nothing while he was away, he delegated it all out. Most of the people he chose to delegate to, including myself, were part of Asher's Leagues which I think speaks volumes about his integrity.

On a personal note, one of the things I love about Asher is that I can explore the possibility of self-voting or using bots with him (he's so much better at the maths than I am) without feeling any judgement from him, even though I know he is strongly against both.

He's also not afraid to speak out and often does so and ruffles some feathers of the more powerful witnesses, dolphins, orcas and whales.

I follow him because he works hard and fearlessly to make Steemit a better place, walks his talk everyday and leads by example, he keeps us informed about stuff that's going on that I'd otherwise not know about and writes about the issues and possible solutions in ways that I can understand.

Excellent nomination, I have @abh12345 followed now, thanks! Contest is running three more days, sorry to leave you hanging here a few days!

No problem @jakeybrown. I'm happy that @abh12345 has one more follower. I forget to mention that his is one half of a community witness too @steemcommunity. You might want to check that out! 😁

no problem, thank you! :D

Well I'm super flattered by this nomination and the kind words of support, thank you @gillianpearce!

You're welcome @abh12345. They are well deserved. 😍

I think i just posted this on the right time. I have mentioned some steemians who are strongly contributing to the community and had good influence to me as a newbie and there are others.. please check and i have re-steemed your post :) Hope i am eligible

It isn't really about a single steemian, but I like the post so I upvoted, still time to put in a comment about a single user too! Contest runs a week

ok. if one that it would be @robertgenito. This is the first and the best person i found on steemit since i joined. He not only replied to my comments but rewarded them. He posts about health, cryptocurrency and related stuff. He is a genuine person and a great supporter for new comers at least for me. So, i would suggest his name :) I hope next would be you. And sorry for my comment below once again.

Hello , when i was new here i use steemit reading new posts. Watch people how they post and what they said. I see there a stemian @master-set who is really informative specially helping new commers on steemit. By giving daily a new steemian minnow a big value upvote. He dont know me but i regularly read his all posts . Hir last post link is https://steemit.com/steem/@master-set/t1lhr-welcomeday-welcoming-newbies-on-steem

I will check him out, thanks for the suggestion and post about a steemian!

I never get tired emphasizing that recurring dreams about a "new and fair currency system soon about to emerge,which I should definitely be part of" were the main force psuhing me here. When I finally found Steemit, and also some related other cryptocurrencies, I knew"this is it".
And once again I have to come up with the Mayan Calendar. Even though I am not really into it, I once found that they refer to the time period from late 2012-late 2019 as the "time of no time". What this means is that in this time frame everything seems to be up in the air,and each year closer to late 2019 would how us more clearly what the change is. Retrospecting my own pathway ever since 2012 specifically, I clearly see the parallel to that time frame, and there is no doubt at all that this is it ;)

Ohhh, I wondered about 2012, and how long this "transitional" period or whatever would last. I get that parallel too, I quit my first engineering job shortly after that 2012 thing because I just couldn't do it anymore. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind since, in a good way

Congratulations @jakeybrown.

You did very well...now you can carry the message forward by doing the same with someone else.

1K SP is going to truly be magical for you and your family in my opinion. A couple years from now we will realize how important a move that was for you to make. I think it will present a different future for those you love compared to what would have been.

Now you begin the path to 2K SP.

Thanks @taskmaster4450, hopefully you pick someone else up or maybe you have other plans for your votes. I really appreciate the help and guidance. It was a gamechanger for steemit for me and I really want to start adding more to the community, just trying to find a good way to. I'll get two others feeling decent with my now ~ 0.25 votes!

I think its great that there are voices of positivity on this platform, without which many of us would have given up long ago. You did this for me @jakeybrown and therefore you would be my nomination!
I find you explorations into life and how to live a more full and rich experience both interesting and informative. And your comittment to strive for all that is good here is testament to your own success.
My sincere thanks to you and everyone with simialr intent here on steemit.

Wow, I'm flattered! I guess I need to start living up to the vote of confidence lately! More explorations coming soon, just sorting things out in my life a bit. I just moved down to 30 hours at work, so thats a plus!

Hello Jakeybrown. Bigskycustoms referred me to you because i am a fellow Montanan. I am new but I Hope to have long lasting relationship on steem with you and others on steemit.

Hey, great, welcome to the site! What are you interested in?

congratulations for reaching 1000SP my friend!

I've felt like steemit is unfair sometimes, that the rich seem to get richer even though the content they produce is no better, often worse, than the minnows.

I agree with your opinion. and I feel it. Thanks sir @jakeybrown

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