RE: direct action veterans group coming.. dreams!
Go ahead and tell me what stolen valor I have done?
I'll wait.
Invited you to the radioshow and by all means please come and talk....
And I respect you and vote your comment.
I'm only promoting a veteran and HIS actions. And might want to read the above... I'm not interested in the financial end. And not going to take a thing in return other possible vote should I share a post of community service for veterans...
I respect your service. My 3 brothers are USMC. 2 deployed. One of them lost both legs in Afghanistan due to a 40 pound IED.
I don't respect your opinion or actions you just did.
But by all means show me a scam or anytime I've ever pretended to be a veteran...
I'll wait. Please don't hold your breath while you seek evidence.
A wise man assesses the situation before deciding to act.
I think he means that group ganja, not you.
Pretty sure it's directed at my Veterans group idea. Which he can clarify hopefully.
I'd be interested in a conversation with him