Six people who could change your life with one 100% upvote on Steemit

in #community7 years ago


@steemit upvote is currently worth $12,145 and could really make your day if you created a post that inspired a 100% upvote from that account.


@freedom could help you understand what financial freedom feels like with a 100% upvote worth $1,237


If you create a post that @dan is stoked about you could walk away with $717 for your effort from a 100% upvote.


Attracting the attention of @ned with an amazing post might help you swim out of the minnow pool a little faster with a $611 upvote at 100% power.


You might find your day brightened if @val-a stops by and is so inspired by your post that you get a upvote worth $438 from a 100% upvote from that account.


@mottler might make you feel like a minnow that has bitten off more than you can chew with a reward of $384 from a 100% upvote from this account.

Keep stepping up your game and creating great original content because you never know who might swim by!

Screenshots from created by the amazing @penguinpablo ----- A big thank you for his hard work! Do not forget to check out to see what your vote is worth!

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This post is really intresting.But I think steemit is doing nothing on his account.😯

Yes kingscrown mentioned that in the comment above, that would be quite a bit of power for one person to have.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting

Maybe this comment is worth $12,145.. I got my fingers crossed!

Actually I was informed that that user account can not vote, so you would have to settle for $1237

I'd settle for $0.20.

hmmm, look at that

LOL really interesting to know, i bet those are the biggest whales around :D

They are some of the big ones, others have Steem power delegated out so its hard to tell with some.

Yep, i figure that some of this accounts are anonymous so its hard to tell who is who...

Nice - don't hold your breath waiting for an upvote from @steemit though - just go check their wallet and draw your own conclusions about this account. It's not any random Joe and Jane who loves to read and upvote.

The others you might be more lucky with.

I have to say as a newcomer and a minnow on Steemit I was pleasantly surprised when minutes after posting a long and heartfelt political rant (you know, some times you've just got to blow off some steam) it was upvoted by some random person with 100K or more of Steempower. And that was what $4 more than I'd ever earned in thousands of posts and tens of millions of views on Google Plus. But it's still not about the $, every comment and upvote counts.

This post was mostly just to have a little fun and dream a little, nothing beats sticking with it. Its the same with any other social media sites, once you start to build a following and make friends you do better. I really love the ways you can promote the content you are passionate about here on steemit!

Thanks for explaining, wasn't sure if you were seriously expecting golden showers of @steemit mega-whales. Never hurts to dream eh?

Exactly right! I have posted about this to my FB followers and just get almost no response. You would think people would be flocking here!

But, how many of them would even give you a 100% vote?

If they were going to vote, it'd be 1-5% tops. Heck, got a .02% vote from a whale before. It felt awesome and not-awesome at the same time: Schrodinger's awesome.

Some give pretty high upvotes on occasion, it just depends on the content.

Upvote for random physics joke!

cool idea for post, worth noting that @steemit doesnt vote at all but other can use their powers :)

Thanks for clarifying that, that much power to one person would kind of suck.

Why do many of them not upvote much? Would be pretty amusing to award someone hundreds of dollars

It would have to be a pretty good post

Holy Moly, these whales could blow you outta the water!

Yep I am sure if you produced some epic content they would be happy to do so.

I likes

Inspired you to create some epic content?

That's so crazy! It's hard to believe one person's vote could be so much. For a little minnow that's more money than I could dream to make with one vote.

Something to strive for, it might be a long swim though! :)

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