What is the 'wrong' tab? Who decides?

in #community7 years ago

Dear Steemians

We live in a world full of differing and sometimes conflicting opinions. Don't panic. This is normal.

your opinion matters.png

But what happens if you click on your favourite tag featuring your favourite ideology and somebody is expressing opinions you don't like?

That's what I'd like to address here.

vegan contest.png

I used the 'vegan' tag to open a contest on the subject of veganism. The winners of this contest (if any bother entering) will likely be vegan. For transparency, I'm not a vegan.

@shadowdragon doesn't like it when non-vegans use the vegan tag. He doesn't think I have the right to discuss this topic under the vegan tag and responded to my post with a downvote, effectively smashing money from the prize pool. But how else am I going to reach people interested in veganism if I can't use the tag?


I think the 'vegan' tag is a useful thing for helping people to find vegan-related matter. Shadowdragon, however, seems to think the 'vegan' tag means 'vegan club' and should only ever be used to sing the praises of vegan-related stuff. He also thinks that the 'religion' tag means 'religious-subscribers-only club'. Surely Discord groups are ideal places for like-minded shenanigans and the blockchain is a place where anybody can talk about anything they want.

What are your thoughts on this?

Below, if you're interested, are some highlights from the comments section in one of Shadowdragon's blogs:

Because you're obviously a troll with absolutely no backing on what you're saying

This was his reasoning for flagging videos made by @milkjar – who vlogs about veganism and some of the negative consequences this can have on health. So, shadowdragon has decided that milkjar is a troll who cannot back up the information he shares. If shadowdragon took the time to watch the videos, he'd see that milkjar often supports his commentary with peer-reviewed scientific papers, analysing the results. He also debates vegans live on YouTube.

the topic you're trying to put is merely just making fun of people and it is indeed in the wrong section, that's why I flagged you

There are many ways to share information. You can write in any way you choose: lengthy essay-type to satire, and everything in between. These are all legitimate forms of expression.

you can downvote stuff that is in the wrong tab

Is a post discussing veganism in the wrong tab if it's tagged 'vegan'?

I didn't even need to see the video … I merely downvoted a content that I did not enjoy...

Really, @shadowdragon? You decided you didn't enjoy the content and flagged it without actually watching it? You based this decision on the title and thumbnail? Tut tut. If that does not highlight, to you, your closed mind and attitude I don't know what will.

you have to resort to idiotic insults …

Shadowdragon then goes on to say:

you have a really crappy look … filthy broken hair, a joke of a beard and an overall gross face … you came from a miserable life … even quality content creators which you definitely are not … your punchable and meek face.

Hmm, but it's ok if you insult people, right?

I presented my explanation and actually took the time to demonstrate my intellectual superiority

I thought this deserved a line of its own coz it made me laugh out loud. No other reason. Sorry for the digression.

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I joined the discussion with shadowdragon after I noticed he'd downvoted my vegan contest. The rest is highlights of what he said to me...

You made that post entirely to fish upvotes in the wrong section. It's obvious you don't want any kind of discussion … you're solely doing it to provoke and tease.

Here is a glorious example of how this kind of 'right thinking' can be dangerous. He decided, without looking into it, that I was doing this for upvotes, that I don't want a discussion and that I'm being provocative. I post things in which I'm interested because I want to discuss the matter, find out the truth! So what if it's provocative? Doesn't that get the juices flowing, encourage us to share information, find out where we (including me, btw) may be clinging to an ideology rather than something based on facts?

Just for the record, I boosted my vegan contest with my own money. The prizes are to be divvied up and I will keep only the remaining Steem Power as a result. All the SBD (including what I invested) is to go to the winner, qualifying participants and the judge (not me).

He accuses me of having an entitled, self-righteous attitude. He pulls insults out of his arse when he has no actual argument to back him up. He then goes on to say the reason I don't subscribe to vegan ideology is because I'm too stubborn to agree with evidence. Not true. It's not stubborn to read, analyse data and draw conclusions. It's called discernment. I feel there's a bit of projection going on in shadowdragon.

It is not a new discussion, there are lots of posts about veganism and proofs and all that already on Steemit

Does this mean that people should refrain from posting anything on a topic because others have already discussed it? If so, why are there so many tofu recipes on here? I've seen quite a few of those.

What about other evidence? You know, the kind that's often omitted from vegan posts? It's almost like shadowdragon has made up his mind and has his fingers in his ears. No, that disagrees with my belief, I won't hear it, lalalalalalaaaa!

the only reason you did this is for your own advantage and ignore, belittle, ridicule or disagree no matter what proofs or arguments are presented that are different from yours so it's obviously not something worth wasting anyone's time just for your fun

Here is shadowdragon showing off his mind-reading abilities (which, for the record, are pretty poor). He seems opposed to anyone having fun too. What's wrong with fun? Isn't it a nice way for people to share ideas in a friendly, non-hostile way? He thinks it's a waste of time trying to present evidence supporting veganism as the healthiest diet. What if there is evidence supporting veganism? Wouldn't that put vegans at an advantage? What is he scared of?

just don't waste everyone's time just to achieve some low level of it for your own.

Am I wasting anyone's time? If I start reading something that's not worth my time, I click on something else. Don't you? In shadowdragon's opinion, my version of fun is on a low level. He thinks he can decide what levels of fun are appropriate for the Steemit blockchain by censoring anybody whose approach isn't his cup of tea, especially if he suspects their motives aren't superclean (coz, you know, he can read minds).

followers with the same wrong ideas

Aaand now we find the nub of his niggle. He wants to censor posts that appeal to people who have 'wrong ideas'. Punishing thought crimes? Totalitarian ideology.

flag or downvote is just the opposite of a upvote, if it exists it is my right to use it if I do deem it fit when the post so entails.

So, something exists, we have the right to use it. Hmm. What about using this tool responsibly? Guns exist, should I go around shooting people I disagree with? I'm not a big fan of voting, especially when votes are cast by the mentally feeble, brainwashed or downright spiteful.

Whatever. Yes, @shadowdragon, you have the right to flag and downvote, but don't think it will go unanswered. I have that same right too.

Thanks for reading
Love, @AnjKara

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That's just another sign of the decay of our society. Decades of social engineering and dumbing down pay off now. We live in a post fact world. Opinion matters. Same thing happens in all areas. Extreme polarization, no common sense, just mindless aggression. Good job, Tavistock.

post fact world

So true. It's a worry for the future generations. This totalitarian mindset is DANGEROUS and it leads to terrible terrible things. History's taught us that. Can't they see?

Thanks for your comment, Herrleeb

He doesn't own the tag. If it pertains to a given post, you have full authority to use it.

Don't I also have authority to downvote what I don't enjoy or find it's inappropriate? Because that's the main issue here

You have $718.97 and a 38 rep - get a life....

Great comeback, I don't even know what you're trying to get at with what you said. But nice touch upvoting yourself :P

thanks @thealliance. I agree. It seems some people just like to flag anyone they don't like. Personal disagreements, etc. It's a shame for the blockchain.

Anj x

A great shame for sure!

It is the ludicrous "if you are not x, your opinions on x is invald" argument. The world has always had illogical, over-emotional people who confuse ignorance with purity of thought. Sadly, this platform, like with anything, money buys influence and influence buys force. Unless you can fight this bully and outspend him, it is not worth engaging in debate with a fanatic who believes god of veganism has annointed him a prophet.

Thanks Soo

You're right: money talks here and everywhere else.

Sadly, people like this will grow in strength here, eventually outgunning any opposition. The question is whether to move more crypto over to steem. I don't even know if I care enough. I'm starting to grow weary of this platform. Decisions.

And yes, lol, the debate was a waste of time. He thinks he's right and nobody's gonna mess with that fantasy.

a fanatic who believes god of veganism has annointed him a prophet


Thanks for your comment, Soo. Much appreciated.

Anj :)

Hang in there, this censorship issue is new and this pervert is a nobody.

I can't be bothered wasting time on him, but let me know if he bothers you again and we will unflag anything he flags. I'm really over the censorship on Steemit today, this bullshit is going to end!

Thanks @sift666 I really appreciate it. Me too, I've had enough of these bullies thinking they can cast invisibility spells on anyone disagreeing with them.

Since you're clearly the more reasonable and decent of the three @anjkara, tell me how did I censor anyone exactly? And how is being accused of pedophilia and child porn is fair due to flagging posts?

I don't appreciate you putting people down just because you disagree with them. It's a shame because I happen to agree with you on many other topics (I looked back at your comments).

You come across as a pervert in your history. That's just how it looks. See for yourself.

Maybe I am, do you think that justifies being compared to pedophile and child porn? Any arguments you may have had are completely null because you had to resort to the lowest and vilest of insults to make me look bad. Kinda like:
"I don't agree with open borders for everyone without background checking.
You're a NAZI, fuck off Hitler wannabe!!"
It's literally the same leap you guys are doing with me because I resteem posts (with the proper NSFW tag) a few times

Wrong. None of my arguments are null or void. You just want them to be. Just like you want veganism to be true.

I'm done now. I've got a funeral to go to.

See you around, no doubt.

I didn't bully anyone. I merely flagged content that was not in the right section, was merely mocking and had no value in my opinion. If I have the right to upvote what I like and find it has value then I'm also able to do the reverse by flagging, no?
And I merely flagged. Both he and @milkjar immediately got triggered when I did that to their idiotic posts and commented on a post I made months ago. If you want just check the conversation there yourself, I explained everything, was polite and civil and was insulted in return. I don't understand what you meant by ignorance with purity of thought. He has more rep and Steem Power than I do so the money talk is preposterous...

omg this is Mah Anj!! Hard at work bustn chops. Buahahahhahah love it all really especially the line about superiority and monkey photo after it. More importantly the self righteous references and how dangerous This thinking truly is, you are so right! Love mah Anj!

Thanks Eagle. Yes, thinking is so dangerous when it's not really thinking, but acting automatically in line with ideological programming. History has millions of murdered bodies to demonstrate this.

love ya too Eagle :D xxx

Yes!! Most definitely.
love yazzzz

Sorry to hear about the downvote anj. Every one is entitled to his or her opinion no matter how forward it is. ^^
Just a matter of how you take it or just respect ones opinion of it. ^^

Exactly Dawn! Disgusting that someone would flag a contest nonetheless! Gross. It was a true challenge too, so if the guy had real proof he’d join the contest to factually present material for the running. SMH

I agree with yah, definitely. It's a disrespect to the person who made the post, whose main intention was to make it educational and fun. Boom! Wonder what he'll make out of that.

Hee Hee, I almost feel bad for him in a sense because he's getting pretty ganged up on, but Steemit is not for people to go off on each other. At least that is not the platform I would support, and I have not found that to be the case with Steemit at all. Some people do lose it and usually if it's brought to the attention then there are those that will gather to address the issue. I really do hope this does not become another FB. I got so tired of FB drama. What I love most about all this is the creativity. Anj actually thought of an awesomely humorous way of using one's voice, and after all that is what is most important.

Anj did just that. Well, we can't please anybody and as entertaining as Anj post it some just don't really see the good thing of it. We also cant' force them too.

^^ It's just how he thinks of it. Hopefully, this doesn't way out of hand.

I'm here for the people and the fun of it (plus the money) lol

yes she did, and you are 100 we can't please everyone. no we cannot force people. true.
yeah hopefully it doesn't get out of hand.
oh dayummmm lol "the money" ... hee hee

Thanks @eaglespirit and @dawnsheree

I did it with the intention of providing a bit of balance to vegan education. It didn't go to plan.

He's not being ganged up on though... he, without provocation, started flagging with a very very flimsy excuse (wrong tag, my arse). If someone's willing to draw first blood, they shouldn't cry too much when their victims try to defend themselves. He flagged both me and milkjar just for using the vegan tag. Censorship or punishment? I dunno.

Really appreciate seeing you guys in here.

PS Been busy with family this week (and this caught my attention just a little bit :P). Haven't forgotten you also post stuff. You'll see me in your comments in the very near future :D

Anj xx

I said I “kinda” felt bad for him and the Ganged up reference was from
All The comments. What you tried to do was brilliant. It would have been nice to see his entry and logical and proven facts as I mentioned above instead of him trolling.
Yes hope the fam thing went okay and yeah we had a huge convo apparently lol
This was all very exciting! :p

As long as it all ends well! ♥

Glad you had some fun time even when it was a bit of an unhappy event. Enjoy the time with Fam anj! ♥

Thanks Dawn. Yes, everyone can have opinions. Unfortunately, some think it's ok to try to silence any opinions they don't agree with :(

Indeed. I just read some pretty hot conversation down below.lol take care. I know you can handle it. Xx

Hmm. so analytical, is there any personal issue in-between apart from meeting in this beautiful community. Iron things out guys

Hi Empowermite

When someone downvotes a subject for being in that subject's actual tag, it needs addressing. This doesn't just apply to 'vegan'. It's about flag-happy spiteful types who can't handle differing opinions.

It's not personal (or wasn't until he started on me personally). This person, I don't know at all. It's my first dealing with him.

Just the sheer fact that you waste your time to make an entire post about me is laughable. One thing I noted is that you mentioned how I insulted him without giving any kind of background and took it out of the context. If you bothered to look you'd have seen he was being rude and belittling me for my tastes with something that had nothing to do with the conversation in question. You also say that I don't respect other people's opinions or right to speech but that was not the case indeed. I told you that it was merely a fact of you using the wrong tab, people get flagged for that all the time, I don't see why you should feel like you're above that.

makes post specifically about veganism
tags it under veganism

I guess each tag has to be a safe space where everyone agrees.

Thanks @milkjar.

If someone wants a safe space they should stay away from other humans. It would be nice if they could try to grow up and realise that other people are autonomous and can speak, say whatever the hell they want. If it hurts their feelings, they should find a good friend who puts up with that sort of nonsense. A decentralised domain is not a safe space.

Your post had absolutely nothing to do with veganism, it was just stupid provocation. And saying that it was discussion is not correct because you were not aiming at that either, you just wanted to belittle and provoke for your own amusement. Your only source of data was a dentist from the 30s and some horribly formatted crappy website, you kinda prove veganism point by doing that in a way

I have no idea what you are talking about. Kindly go back to the activity around which your life revolves, jerking off, and leave those of us with functioning non nutrient deficient brains alone.

I don't respect your right to resteem posts of naked schoolgirls you sleazy pedo...

Yeah, I looked. Sleazy individual. I'm not surprised.

Sleazy?! Porn equals being a pedophile? Are you serious?!

Those girls look very young

Probably older than me. Pedophilia means children, it's a serious accusation. You're just trying to spew horrible things because I don't like your posts, how's THAT not censorship or even worse?! You guys have crossed every boundary

You must be a very young teenager then?

If that's the case, maybe you need to mature a little before placing your mark on an uneditable blockchain.

Yes, Paedos are usually into younger than your preference but it's a mainstream shortcut that means 'under legal age of consent'. I forgot the term for people interested in youths that have just managed to enter puberty.

It doesn't matter if I'm a teenager or not, that's not the issue. None of the girls are under 24 or 25, how is that pedophilia?Sure 24 is "young" but that's always relative. A 10 year old would think a 24 year old is "old" and a 70 year old probably sees a 24 year old as a kid. But for all effects they are fully grown woman, to suggest otherwise is insulting to both them and mostly me and I think you're smart enough to realise that yet you had to jump in the bandwagon to vilify me because they have no arguments

Hilarious!! 🤣🤣
I can imagine you in a room and that is a true image of you. this is Classically good💕

When did I ever do that?

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