How to improve your communication skills
improve communication skills
A conversation is more than just words spoken. It’s also your body language and non-verbal cues such as how the person you’re conversing with presents their message. You want to be sure to understand what you’re putting across and if you need any help, please reach out. There are plenty of free resources online that will help you get started, such as Better Help and other groups on social media.
Be clear
I can’t stress this enough. If your message has something to say or a point that needs to be made. Don’t let yourself mumble like it’s the end of the world. And remember, we all have our opinions. Sometimes we can start a new dialogue with the same topic, but sometimes what we really need is another route into our mind. That way you have the chance to think through what you want to say or change up what you’ve said in any way. Keep those things in mind so that when you’re ready to speak, the next time you’re thinking of what to say or ask questions, you’ll feel confident and prepared.
Remember, you want to make sure you’re being understood. Asking someone a question in your own voice is much better than trying to read your lips. I can tell you from experience that people who take the time to try to read their lips only to realize that they haven’t heard their entire sentence. They forget to do their inner dialogue before they answer, which not only wastes time but it also misinterprets the message, especially if the reader knows what they really meant. This little thing really puts your mind at ease. Be clear and concise, and always use active listening. Then once you’re done talking, go back and double-check that what was communicated through your mouth is what is truly meant.
Speak with confidence
I’ve noticed that people who use bad self-talk are the ones who don’t manage to effectively communicate with others. When someone’s talking with no confidence or self-belief, you know how you feel when people talk to them and believe them. But when you see people who actually are confident, their speech sounds natural and flows easily. When we’re nervous and shy around people we’re comfortable with, our speech sounds unnatural. We avoid these situations because we feel embarrassed. However, when we’re confident, we’re able to share our true feelings and thoughts without fear of losing anyone’s attention. And we’re able to convey things clearly without saying anything at all. So be sure to use your voice when communicating with others. Show your confidence and love for yourself. Speak confidently and respectfully.
Be mindful of non-verbal communication
People who are good at non-verbal cues are good at understanding others. When you have eye contact when talking to someone and your body language is positive. Those are two great ways to establish a relationship. These types of communication make us feel heard and understood. For example, I can notice when someone speaks slowly before I’m sure they’re finished. Because it shows me that they’re still processing their thoughts and ideas. A simple touch such as tapping my shoulder may trigger a different response than looking at them directly in their face. The same thing may be said when asking a question. In most cases, my eye contact can indicate whether I’m going to hear the answer or reject it. Non-verbal communication is a very important tool to having successful relationships with others. Make sure to pay close attention to non-verbal signals. Don’t ignore non-verbal signs. Pay attention to your body language and your non-verbal speech. When listening to someone, look at that person’s body language more closely and observe their posture. Try to recognize the emotions and energy that is present in the words they’re saying. Also, try to listen to the way their speech flow like a smooth stream coming down a pipe that will eventually stop. Notice other people’s non-verbal signs; if your ears ring, it indicates that someone is probably feeling something or looking unhappy. Another key indicator of non-verbal communication is your facial expression. Your eyes and nose are the most obvious ways others can have information about your thoughts, mood, or state of mind. So, notice how you show off your non-verbal signs to others. Take note of them when speaking and even more so while interacting with people around you. You’ll be surprised how many times, it’s the ones who aren’t paying attention or saying anything at all who actually miss the mark on life and who don’t make the effort to be present.
Don’t judge someone. (Unless you’re trying to win a debate.)
When someone is judging it isn’t helpful to think they’re being smart. What’s good about criticizing someone is that it keeps them engaged in the conversation and gives you another point of view. While we all have faults that we acknowledge, it can help us better understand ourselves by analyzing why we act the way we do, why we think certain things or how we can become better communicators. Stop getting personal. Instead, focus on the facts rather than the reactions. Our intentions are important, not our reactions. So stop making excuses and start learning to appreciate everyone you meet. Even if there are some areas where you truly disagree with someone. People are simply human and they’re just trying to learn to deal with their experiences. Don’t put down someone with their beliefs or opinions. No personal attacks or insults. Get to know them first before judging them. Respect and treat others the way you like to be treated. Look past how everyone else is treating you and consider what you can do to create positivity in your environment
Be mindful of non-verbal communication
We often get distracted while communicating with others. Whether it's the noise around us, your environment, or just the fact that you’re not paying full attention, your body language and non-verbal indicators can reveal exactly how you feel in a way. Pay particular attention to non-verbal messages. Noticing the gestures, your posture and facial expressions to make sure you’re understanding the message. Remember to think before you speak. Practice using active listening skills! It’s one of the most effective communication skills to develop. Using your active listening strategy with active listening tips is a fantastic way to increase your success in communicating with others. With the right tools, anyone can master the art that’s essential to connecting with others. From using technology to boost your vocabulary and improve your oral skills, to using visual clues to drive engagement and interest. In today’s fast-paced society, we need to be mindful of non-verbal communication to ensure that nobody feels left out or ignored.