Guidelines for Contacting Me on Discord

Every day on Discord, I receive multiple requests from authors seeking upvotes for their posts, and it has become unmanageable. As a developer, I need to focus my time on important Steem developments. If you need a vote for your post, my best advice is to connect with people on Steem. Support others, leave comments on posts by authors you like, and build friendships with other Steemians who resonate with you.
Of course, if you are a developer and have questions regarding a specific problem, you can still contact me. The same applies to issues related to hacked accounts and general technical questions. However, all other requests will be ignored or blocked from now on, as they take up too much of my time.
I hope you understand my decision. It’s becoming overwhelming for me, and we will all benefit if I can dedicate 100% of my available time to advancing Steem.
Thank you for your understanding!
Hihi, ich habe deine Kontaktdaten seit Jahren. Aber der Chat ist ganz jungfräulich, habe dich noch nie außerhalb des Steems angeschrieben. Warum eigentlich nicht, bist doch ein Netter… 😉
0.00 SBD,
13.60 STEEM,
13.60 SP
Ich bin viel zu nett gewesen, sage ich dir, aber ich arbeite jetzt daran... 💥
Es gibt Leute, die mir einen Link zu ihrem Post schicken, und wenn ich diesen nicht am selben Tag noch vote, kommt am nächsten Tag eine Nachricht wie: "Warum hast du meinen Post nicht gevotet?"
0.00 SBD,
5.17 STEEM,
5.17 SP
Ich weigere mich was neben dem Steem zu nutzen, ich brauch das nicht, kann aber schon verstehen das Entwickler eine andere Plattform außer Steem brauchen für ihre Arbeit aber eben für ihre Arbeit am Steem und nicht für freche Betteleien wenn ich sowas lese könnte ich mit der 👊 reinschlagen, User die so ticken braucht der Steem nicht das sind User die das Vote über den Kommentar setzen würden sie anders denken kämen die Votes von ganz alleine , wie kann man nur so Vote versessen sein .
Ich hätte die User ja benannt die sollen froh sein das er nicht so ist , dann hätten sie mehr betrieb auf ihrem Account wie gewünscht, ich wäre eh gerade in Form 🤨
0.00 SBD,
2.67 STEEM,
2.67 SP
You are definitely a good developer. Your professionalism is proof that you have given Steem a new identity with famous tool
Many good wishes to you. 😀
0.00 SBD,
0.00 STEEM,
25.21 SP
I wish you success in your development plans for Steem.
0.00 SBD,
12.19 STEEM,
12.19 SP
Semangat @steemchiller, Apakah di discord saya bisa mencari teman-teman STEEM?
0.00 SBD,
11.09 STEEM,
11.09 SP
The question for me is, where is @eka99? She introduced you to Steem, but she is not active for some reason...
0.00 SBD,
1.57 STEEM,
1.57 SP
Yes brother @steemchiller, Eka is not active and hasn't replied to my question either. Maybe he's busy
I just recovered from illness, Now I am active again🙏
Wow, finally the requirements are out, I love you❤️🤗
0.00 SBD,
10.21 STEEM,
10.21 SP
Saya sangat senang jika dapat pemberitahuan @steemchiller upvote postingan saya. Saya tetap sabar menunggu steemchiller upvote jika sedang tidak sibuk. Terima kasih steemchiller🙏. Semoga sukses selalu.
0.00 SBD,
9.98 STEEM,
9.98 SP
Is my friendship verification blocked by @steemchiller? on discord😅, I have contacted several times last month, but it is not easy🤣😂
I was so disappointed that I decided to delete the Discord application😅😂.
0.00 SBD,
9.87 STEEM,
9.87 SP
I just checked and I accepted your friend request for quite some time already ;) But I don't have time for chatting currently, so...
0.00 SBD,
0.29 STEEM,
0.29 SP
I have tried several times to be friends with @steemchiller, Emmmm I thought @steemchiller didn't want to be friends with me.
I know steemchiller is very busy working, well what else can I do, in the end I deleted the discord application😅.
I will try to use discord again, But a little confused, because I forgot my discord password😔
Thank you very much @steemchiller and @realrobinhood. I'm happy to see how you keep helping people, whoever comments you, you always reply to their comments. Thanks again for listening to and reacting to the pleas of us insects.
🤦♂️Einfach nur erbärmlich, wer so Vote versessen ist soll sich welche kaufen 🛒, obwohl ich davon auch nichts halte ,Dein Post beinhaltet die beste Anleitung wie man zu Votes kommt, die meinen wohl die Votes müsste ihnen in den Schoß fallen , so läuft das nicht ❗️
Statt Danke zu sagen fordert man Votes , was ne Frechheit !
Stay strong 💪 Steemchiller
0.00 SBD,
9.78 STEEM,
9.78 SP
It's great that you guys are now available on Discord and there are so many users on Steemit who want to connect with you. There are many users who think that people keep asking you for votes in comments but this is true 40% of users who want to contact you for solving their problems 60% of people are asking for votes.
Thank you my dear friend for working day and night for the development of this platform and also thank you very much to your friend @realrobinhood who is helping people side by side with you. I salute your effort and hard work. Once again thank you friend.
Thanks again guys I hope you always give your 100% for the development of this platform. Good luck friend keep up the good work I support you.
#wewrite #comment
0.00 SBD,
9.74 STEEM,
9.74 SP
I totally agree with your statement earlier about those who ask for upvotes by you by sending you messages via discord. Because I think it will take up your time and your comfort. I have been active on Steemit since 2017 and have never asked for upvotes and only focus on sharing my work. I only rely on luck from the Steemit team.
0.00 SBD,
9.41 STEEM,
9.41 SP