Lights, Camera, Action!

in #communication8 years ago

Yes, life is really a movie that you are part of. The question is, what role are you taking?

Let's review a few things regarding the art of movie making....

The Script is the written plan of action with the characters, genre etc.

The Producer is the money man funding the idea to fruition,

The Director is the person to manage the operation and its actors to achieve the planned goals,

The Actors are the professional participants implementing the plans via their scripted roles,

And finally the Audience is the group that is there to be manipulated/entertained.

Certainly, there are other factors in production of movies such as technical issues that are beyond the scope of this short article, so they will be skipped.

Now, what is your role on the stage of life? In all reality you are all roles mentioned above , whether you believe it or not. The mind is a very powerful tool and can perform many operations if you are aware of them. You can create the movie you want to act in. While most people don't bother to write a life plan or goals, it is just that which is the Script to follow. A plan is the road map to go on. Though movies require lots of funding to create, in this scale of things it is minimal, so the Producer's role has less importance than that of others since we are mainly discussing a mind operation that requires little capital investment to perform. What is really important are the roles of Director (manager of the operation) and that of being an Actor in a given situation to achieve a desired outcome. Last on the list is the Audience, and that role is, by far, one of being manipulated and led into some direction or condition.

Mastering one's mind will achieve a movie masterpiece where all the participants will give a standing ovation.... How? Well, after planning your outcomes or goals, you need to role play various roles in your mind before you actually follow your desired plan:

First position: You.

Second position: Your target [audience].

Third position: You and your target [audience].

You see (feel, hear etc) your target (with a planned outcome); their reactions, your surroundings and associated conditions relevant to the goals. You also become EMPATHETIC, assuming the [audience] position's conditions from their point of view experiencing you and the environment. And finally you are observing from the position seeing all the participants (you, audience) and their experience to the conditions present. This is a holistic (3D) thought process using most of your brain's capacities to achieve your plans. You will be confident in the situation that you are actually planning to act in. You will be the master of the situation, having considered most angles and possible reactions to the planned goals prior to the real event. The [unaware] audience is the punching bag of entertainment or business.

We can have many roles in life and we can create many things by thinking them through firstly. You can either be manipulated by others or manipulate them. You may choose just to be in the audience or you may choose to create the whole is up to you. Reality is nothing more than what your mind thinks it is or what someone has told you it to be. Create an Epic of a can...imagine....

THE END.201799_3529800693618_1243903211_o.jpg



thank you for doing this

Excellent article, earned yourself another follower!

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