Nontoxic Masculinity
Want to have nontoxic masculinity? Read on, my dude.
He carries a tote bag that’s at once pro-environment, pro-feminism, and pro-reading.
Does he support the feminism that actually helps women or the feminism that promotes victim thinking? In other words, is he applauding Saudi Arabia for allowing women to drive or is he wearing a vagina hat screaming about how women are oppressed?
When he goes into a sports bar to use the bathroom, he buys a glass of white wine to be polite.
Or does he do this to avoid being the victim of stupid restroom policies?
He openly cries during Pixar movies—even the parts that aren’t sad, just beautiful.
I have yet to meet anyone who hasn't at least teared up or gotten emotional from a Pixar movie.
He opens doors for women at work, but they’re metaphorical doors, like the ones that lead to promotions.
Where did I leave that wage gap button? But seriously. Help people with doors, especially if they're lifting heavy objects. It's not sexism. It's being a decent person.
He laughs calmly when called a cuck. He laughs loudly when women are funny. He does not laugh when men are not.
Considering how many people (on Tumblr) have called me a neo-Nazi or a white supremacist, "cuck" is nothing. Humor is also largely subjective and based on your demographic (things like your age, your gender, your political stance and what you tend to upvote on Steemit).
He makes references to Kurt Vonnegut because he’s genuinely interested to hear other people’s opinions of Vonnegut’s work. He never makes references to David Foster Wallace.
Allegations aside, maybe they're referencing David Foster Wallace because they like what he wrote, not because they like what he did as a person. Part of cultivating intellectual openness is a willingness to learn from everyone, not just people you like or agree with. That said, Kurt Vonnegut is an excellent writer.
He strictly follows all traffic laws when he plays Grand Theft Auto. His Sims world is a matriarchy. He does not have a Twitter account.
People don't strictly follow all traffic laws in real life. On another hand, it seems that those who create perfect, harmonious worlds are actually twisted and rotten at the core. Is there a psychological basis behind this or am I on the Internet too often?
Nontoxic masculinity is largely about being a decent person with a feminist slant. However, because of what feminism has become today, it's turned into a misandrist cesspool of "Shut up mansplainer." Both masculinity and femininity can be toxic, but toxic femininity is more socially acceptable and thus, the problems it creates are overlooked.
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