Carol Danvers’ Empathy Helps the fight Against Chthon: Avengers Vol 1 #187– September 1979

in #comics7 years ago

Avengers Vol 1 #187: "The Call of the Mountain Thing!"

Avengers Vol 1 #1867– September 1979.jpg

At last, Carol Danvers contributes something to a fight, her empathy.

This issue picks up moments after the previous issue ended. The Avengers are answering Quicksilver’s call and are arriving at Wundagore mountain in Transia. I have to say, first of all, that it really really bugs me to no end that everything that is slightly dire in comics is referred to as Holocaust. At least during this period of time. It is really disrespectful in my opinion. Now back to the Avengers. As Iron Man is still on enforced leave, the Avengers brought back Wonder Man to replace him. They need more muscle power indeed.

Also, they need flying power because the Quinjet is crashing. Most of them fly out of the Quinjet, Falcon takes Captain America with him. Wonder Man throws Beast out of the Quinjet, while putting a flying belt on him. As soon as they land, or crash, Modred attacks them, telling them they must be the disciples of Chthon – the one great lord. You know, crazy people talking in comics. Captain America’s response is “Avengers Assemble!” The words we are still hoping to hear him say in the movies.

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Modred attacks Falcon and Ms. Marvel with a rain of rocks. Falcon comments about this fact, but Ms. Marvel tells his “Don’t talk about it, Falcon. Just do your job!” Falcon comments that for a moment he forgot he was the new member of the group. That’s not true, Ms. Marvel is also new. Plus, she’s not even a real member, just a replacement. Still, Modred defeats Falcon with ease.

In the meantime, Beast lands on a frozen mountain and finds a skull that belongs to an animal, but one that wears armor from some reason.

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Ms. Marvel manages to avoid the rocks that Modred is throwing at her. However, she goes down as he hits her with actual fire. I have no idea how that doesn’t kill her. I guess she’s more durable than she appears. Captain America tries a more sophisticated attack, but is also defeated by the elements, this time, by wind.

We then switch to Wonder Man. Miraculously, he survived the crash landing. Unfortunately for him, he landed close to possessed Wanda. She uses her new powers to trap him.

Then it’s back to Modred who is happy at his victory. But, he was happy too soon. He forgot the WASP. The only person who manages to hit him. He didn’t notice her small size. A very big mistake because she carries one hell of a punch.

But the now possessed Wanda takes all of the Avengers prisoners inside magic bubbles. Even the WASP. She carries them up the mountain. She uses them to create her circle. She wants the power of the Darkhold and control of Earth. Darkhold is also the evil book that we saw in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nothing good can come out of it. We learn that Chthon/Possessed Wanda actually wrote the Darkhold. Chthon and her sister were a few of the gods that created earth, yet newer gods overthrew of them. Chthon fled and her sister turned herself into all living things, also known as Mother Earth. The book itself is a gateway for them to return, that’s why they left it behind. She tells her entire history up until this moment.

The most important part is when Wanda was born on the Wundagore, when Chthon attacked it and was defeated. But, Chthon gave Wanda some abilities and made her ready to be its future host. A baby with natural powers, imbued with more power. Chthon waited patiently for the moment that Wanda was without her protective brother and then gave her more magical abilities. All has led to this moment, Wanda being its magical host.

Modred warns Chthon that something is approaching. Beast appears wearing the armor that he found buried. He has a sword and he uses it to slice the Darkhold. Modred is about to attack when he gets a surprise hit from Captain America’s shield. Beast surprised attack freed all of the Avengers from Chthon grip.

We have a surprise switch to Django. He wants to help but doesn’t know how as his talisman is broken. He takes it out and finds out that Wanda’s spirit has returned to the talisman. Quicksilver realizes that the old man doesn’t have power, the power comes from the wood itself. He tries to use his will to switch the souls of Wanda and Chthon, trapping it inside the doll.

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Quicksilver fails as his will is not a magical one. But then Ms. Marvel joins him. She comforts him telling him that he wasn’t trained for this, and joins hands with him, focusing her will as well. Then Captain America tells the rest of the Avengers to join in as well. A battle of wills starts.

It works and Chthon is forced into the doll and Wanda gets her body back. Quicksilver moves fast and throws the doll away. Wanda, already her old self again, uses her hex powers and mutant powers to bring down the mountain on top of the doll. I guess Django also helped their magic because he dies, still loving Wanda and Pietro. They give him a proper funeral. Modred becomes a mindless child and is left in the care of Bova. The Avengers have saved the day again.

The fight against Chthon is a hard one. But, at least this time Ms. Marvel isn’t just there to get defeated. That’s Falcon’s role in this issue. Ms. Marvel comforts Quicksilver when he realizes that his will is not enough to save Scarlet Witch. She also helps by giving him her will with her mind and physical contact, causing the rest of the Avengers to follow her lead. At last a respectable moment for the new Avenger. Sure, her role is not as spectacular as that of the Scarlet Witch, but at least she feels like part of the team.

#Comics #CarolDanvers #MsMarvel #Marvel #Avengers #Quicksilver #ScarletWitch

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