GA Comics - The Blue Beetle 001 [Public Domain Comic Books - 68 pages with color adjustments | 68 páginas com ajustes de cores]
Golden Age Comics - Histórias em Quadrinhos da Idade de Ouro
- Title / Título: The Blue Beetle 001
- Publisher / Publicadora: Fox Feature Syndicate
- Year / Ano: 1940
- Arquivo de imagem original por The Digital Comic Museum
- Ajuste de cores por @goldenage (André Luiz Riscado)
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Very nice, but a little bit smal sides i think, i can not read them. :-)
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Thanks for the comment.
Unfortunately this happens in the
Where I posted, originally, is normal. On
Ok you are right, it ist steeve. :-)
Thx. Salve Alucian
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