A killer cover that I absolutely love...Punisher # 102 by Marvel Comics. This beautiful cover features Bullseye looking like a complete lunatic showing off a knife that Crocodile Dundee would be proud of. This gritty and stunning piece was done by the Jersey’s own, Frank Teran!! He did most of the Punisher covers in the run leading up to the end of the series. Most are pretty collectible with this one being the crown jewel of the bunch. Typically copies will fetch anywhere between $25-$50 when you are lucky enough to find one. Happy hunting!
I had that cover! It is fantastic isn't it?
Yeah I love it it. We are actually friendly with the artist, Frank. Hoping to one day have him do an exclusive variant for us. Time will tell.
Hey, as long as I got you here...could you explain this "exclusive Variant cover thing"? I've got a buddy who seems to have done some for IDW, but he's kind of a nob about reciprocating so I don't feel like asking him. Are these just really small print runs or what's the deal?
Ok so basically it works different for every publisher but the idea is the same. As a store like myself, we contact the publisher and express that we want to do an exclusive variant cover for the shop. Something only available through us. In a perfect world, you can name the title, artist (sometimes depending on who), and the concept. Print runs vary by publisher. Example...we just did the ASM #799 by Linsner through Marvel. The base print run is 3000 copies. Non negotiable. If you hear otherwise it’s pretty much horseshit. Now if you do a variation on the first one they lower the print run on that one to 1500. Then third one to 1000. We usually like doing a few variations as it keeps something truly rare and it allows us to make back the moolah a bit quicker as a lot of folks that collect these get all the versions. These can be very expensive to do but can be lucrative if done on a popular title and have a popular concept or artist.
We are working with IDW currently on our next ones which if we get our way...are going to be fantastic. Hoping to announce em soon as soon as the ink is signed.
It gets a bit more complex so I left a lot out. Just kinda covered the basics but if you have a specific question just ask!!!
Interesting. And a single store ( or chain of stores) is able to move that many copies of a variant?
Usually no. Lol. Unless it’s an absolutely killer cover most likely no. Lots of stores trade small quantities with other stores. Some go in together and share. It’s a gamble but you can do ok if you have the right pieces in place. Also lots of shops pull shady tactics and lie about print runs and shit like that. Insanely frustrating for honest shops as it gives the whole “store variant” thing a bad name. That’s been happening ALOT lately with certain shady ass shops.
niiice... I eventually need to grab the bullseye Legend... I keep passing up on him, but he is a really great figure.
The older toy biz ones?
Nah. There is a new hasbro bullseye legend thats great
Do you typically like the Hasbro pieces better than the toy biz ones?
I dont have any toybiz figs actually. I think recent legends (last few waves, and upcoming) are pretty killer. The Venom BAF thats coming later this year is literally perfect
I like both. Love the old Toy Biz packaging. Kills the hasbro ones in my opinion. Yeah the Venom looks fantastic.
I'll have to add this to the reading list!
Looks like a fun read. After recently witnessing Bullseye flick a bottle cap into Logan's eye and fuck it up, I'm keen to learn more of the backstory of this Daredevil villain!