RE: Prepare for Comet 289P/BLANPAIN
From the green site, the color of watermelon, green is heart chakra, or at least I once saw at the Balinese energy gathering. And, also I note the color Catherine the duchess wears so emerald regal.
I enjoyed the Wright readings. I wonder too about the comet in Cancer?
A lot of mystery surrounds this comet, which was lost between its original discovery in 1819 and its accidental re-discovery (as an asteroid) in 2003; it has exhibited some sporadic cometary activity (including at least one outburst) since that time. It passes 0.09 AU from Earth on January 10, 2020, and will be well placed for observations from the northern hemisphere around that time; indeed, it is favorably placed throughout its entire return to perihelion. Depending upon what level of activity it exhibits, it might -- or might not -- become somewhat bright..
Will be watching for some glowing messages this January 10th.
Your walking feet came through just fine :)
And, so too did your words which I like to steep myself in.
Tomorrow, I am a school teacher, the next, a dance facilitator and then a mother again to my Scorpio son who will be twenty-eight!
Perhaps, next week I will be able to write paper prayers, make connections in my research? It's always coming, the comet towards us.
And, your group of wise women sounds very engaging! Enjoy :)
Not so sure on the wise-front yet.... Will be testing once I speak again. No scrap that. Best to hold my peace. Maybe not wise but better still, maybe kind? That would make a pleasant change in those surroundings....
Turning 28 is the year of the Saturn Return in a person's horoscope. It takes Saturn 28.5 years or so to make a full circumference of the zodiac and the birth chart. It is the age or actual maturing into adulthood and one's personal path in life.