Cats And Magpies - Comedy Open Mic Round 19

We have a couple of magpies that live in the backyard. This pleases me greatly because they are one of my favourite birds.

I don't know why.

It could be that I hadn't seen one before coming out west. I remember pulling into Calgary and going to my friend's place. As I was parking, this incredibly beautiful bird with a long tail and very quirky mannerisms was jumping around on the vehicle ahead of me. It was just the neatest thing.

When I got inside I asked what the cool bird was and he got very angry.

Possibly too angry. I'm thinking something might have been going on elsewhere in his life that was coming out at this fantastic creature.

So I have become accustomed to them now, but I still spend a lot of outside time watching them. My favourite thing to do is watch them harass the cats.

I think it's just the male that harries the poor bastards while the female looks after the nest, but sometimes they both have a go at the kitties. I don't always remember to take video, but Gerri usually stops to archive a bit of cat footage from time to time. This was the other day.

Luckily Blue comes to the rescue. He is running shy on things to chase, ever since the squirrels vanished.

On a side note, we don't seem to have squirrels anymore. This is possibly due to the cats getting more proficient at climbing trees, but it could also be that the magpies ran them off as well. They used to torment the dogs, which in turn would torment me, so I would shoot them with the pellet gun and Blue would finish them when they hit the ground.

He wouldn't eat them though. Just crunch and shake, then drop them. I actually have a whole post of this, so I'll shut up now.

Speaking of getting better at climbing, Skins McGinns was climbing around the birch today when the magpie spotted him. This is part of it.

(tl;dw Cat and bird vying for power in their relationship.)

So that was the day. Well, other than picking up a dump truck load of old cow shit and prepping a new garden bed. I guess there were other things as well, but I don't remember what they were.

Oh yeah, drinking.

This post is my entry to Comedy Open Mic Round 19 I am going to nominate @marcusmalone to write a funny post and then he can nominate @senseicat and @socky because he seems to like their stuff.

My second nomination will be @scottcbusiness because apparently, he's a witness and Canadian, so why wouldn't he have a funny story to regale us with?

You can find out all about it at


Second entry. I won last week. Woo hoo! many entries have you made!

wtf how many of you are replying? lol

It's just one entry bro.. 😂😂!! It's two in one..

look forward to seeing your next entry then, make sure you tell the peeps in discord!

I will bro... Thanks for your advice man.. Really appreciate bro..

Magpies can be vicious. During spring, you hear about a lot of people getting attacked in public parks. I always give them a wide berth.

Sweet Jesus, where the hell do you live?

Hahaha, yeh they used to do this to my cat, on the fence. Cat would be on the fence, bird would land right behind her. Then, as she turned around on the fence, the bird would take off and land behind her again. you're quite right, this is very entertaining.

Nice. I'm pretty sure that the cat won't ever catch such an intelligent bird, but I think that if he did, that one would make him not want to chase birds again.

They used to chase the chickens until the chickens turned on them one day. That was entertaining.

Not sure how funny I really can be lol. Most of my jokes are just references to The Office

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