The late Robin Williams interviewed by Craig Ferguson
The Late Show november 2011
Was looking for something serious on YouTube, got stuck with this one.
Just for laughs
Declined payout for this one. Wanted to share it with you. Maybe you could use a break too, like me, from all things Cryptos. Well, no better way for this than with this great episode of The Late Show.
Host Craig Ferguson and guest Robin Williams really are a true comedy match. Hope you enjoy it just like I did. Almost made me forget what I was looking for on YouTube. Anyway, calling it a saturday and I'm off.
This is just so hilarious! The two together were just smashing. I will look for more of Craig Ferguson! We lost a great comedian and awesome person in Robin Williams.
It is a great synergy comedy indeed.
My thought too, find more of Craig Ferguson's work.
I will be having a look, Craig Ferguson is awesome so this looks to be a good pairing!
Think this was the first time I saw Craig Ferguson and I'm sure gonna be on the lookout for more.
It is really a good laugh them paired up.
Enjoy mate!
It's very funny and entertaining oops so nice@oaldamster
It is great fun! :-)
Thanks for your replies.
My pleasure.
wel come my friend.
this interviewed is very funny, Robin Williams really instaresting,
Yes, it made my day. :-)