
in #comedy7 years ago


Today is the beginning of the rest of my life! I'm looking to make a change! I'm going to LEARN TO CODE! I'm going to learn PYTHON! I've tried before in the past, but this time it's different! I've figured out WHY I've failed each and every time... distractions. Yeah, distractions! They won't get me this time. New day, new rules, I've learned my lesson and now it's time to go get it!

But first, I'm going to need breakfast. I shouldn't force myself to learn on an empty stomach. I remember when I was in school the teacher would always say before a big test or some other bullshit where we had to think more the next day, "Don't forget to eat your breakfast!" Yeah, breakfast... can't do this empty. I won't LEARN if I'm empty... Fuck... There's nothing to eat in the god forsaken house! Hmm... where should I go eat? Carl's Jr is quick but the ad with the rib sandwich really puts me off. I know that I don't have to have a rib sandwich, but the fact that they would steal the idea from that fat bastard cook in the back just puts me off. McDonald's? BAH! Taco... TACO? A fucking breakfast burrito god damn it! Taco Cabana! I'm there dude!

Ah, stomach is full and that didn't take too long... Now I'm ready. Nothing will stop me now, let me boot this bitch up and then it's go time! It's always annoying when this laptop first boots up because of the Steam App, boom right there in front of my face. I should go into my start up applications and disable this crap. Oh, would you look at that? Stardew Valley is on sale? 5 bucks? I've been meaning to try that game out, but 20 dollars just seemed too high for a 2D game. Heck, it's only 10:45, I'll swing at this right quick and get back to learning in a bit. This is a one time deal anyway... it's a sale! I'd be foolish to pass it up.

Jeez what a game! 2D and all of that fun? Man I feel like a genius for figuring out how to get rich quick with the hops and the cask! This is why I need to learn to code... because I'm a natural! I could be a video game designer or who knows! Speaking of which, it's finally time to get going with this learning. I'm hungry though, what time is it? BAH 2pm. I got to go get some lunch.

Semi-full from my late lunch and I've learned that 35 dollars at a sushi joint doesn't go as far as the value menu, GOD BLESS AMERICAN FAST FOOD. Did I leave my TV on? I don't even remember watching the news this morning. Hey, The Walking Dead is premiering in a couple hours and I can't remember what happened last season! I bet AMC is running one of those marathons with all the episodes leading up... I'm totally there.

Yawn. What a fucking show. I heard some poor stunt man bastard died during one of the shootings! That's how you know those guys are hardcore. I could never be a stunt man. Jeez, it's late. I think it's about time to go to bed. God damn it. I didn't get to do what I WANTED to do today. I WANTED to learn about PYTHON and learn to CODE, but all this bullshit kept coming up. This isn't my fault. I tried so hard! Maybe I'm not cut out to be a programmer... Programming is SOOO HARD! No wonder only nerds are programmers, because those are the only guys who can figure this crap out. Ah fuck it though, tomorrow is a new day and the beginning of the rest of my life! I'll fucking try again tomorrow. So complicated.


Ahhhh... TIME TO LEARN PYTHON TODAY! First, I need to get some breakfast.

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