Colorchallenge yellow NARUTO SHIPPUDEN
Good afternoon my community here I bring another picture you see is Naruto enjoy
Description of the character
Naruto Uzumaki
Although it is a silly hollow head on many occasions, Naruto actually, is a genius in combat with a great talent ninja much higher than that of Kakashi, Jiraiya, Tsunade, his father the fourth Hokage and the very possessor of the Rinnegan Nagato as he always surpasses and exceeds its limits to fulfill his dream. The ability of the Naruto chakra is of exceptional proportions and according to Karin's words the Naruto chakra is warm, affectionate, luminous, bright and with a great hope that is due to the great kindness and noble person who is the
Photos of the drawing process
I hope you like I will be climbing many more my community God bless you have a nice day ... ...
Author: @worldofcrypton=Cesar Rodriguez

Mucho arte en una sola imagen... buen post.
Awesome art .I am voting you.Please check my post.
super me encantan tus dibujos te felicito ☻
Done for you
This is completely new concept to block chain guys...Please go through the article...
Genial @worldofcrypton muy impecable tu dibujo! Con cual otro nos sorprenderas?
muy buen dibujo, ya tienes la madera para esto. sigue asi que vas muy bien
Que te puedo decir simplemente hermoso.......con respecto a la serie no conocia nada de este personaje anime
confieso que me da un poco de envidia, qué mal no? Es que yo no sé dibujar bien ni la casita con el árbol jejeje, te felicito hermano, gran talento el tuyo
Dibujas muy bien felicitaciones
Wao amigo tienes mucho talento. Felicidades.