ColorChallenge TuesdayOrange The Delicious Tangerine

ʚ Hola a todos Feliz Martes ʚ

Continuo participando en el reto #Colorchallenge ☺ realizado por @kalemandra, hoy martes corresponde el color naranja y recuerdo algo que siempre hemos visto y comido “La Mandarina” es lindo fruto es cítrico parecido a la naranja, sin embargo posee una característica representativa que lo representa ya que es de forma achatada en la parte superior e inferior y tiene un increíble color anaranjado brillante en su madurez.


Puede ser consumida de diferente formas en jugos, postes o directamente. Su consumo aporta al cuerpo la vitamina A y C.

ʚ Hello everyone, Happy Tuesday ʚ

I continue participating in the challenge #Colorchallenge ☺ made by @kalemandra, today is the color of orange and I remember something we have always seen and eaten. "La Mandarina" is a beautiful citrus fruit similar to orange, however it has a representative characteristic that represents since it is flattened in the upper and lower part and has an incredible bright orange color in its maturity.


It can be consumed in different ways in juices, desserts or directly. Its consumption provides the body with vitamin A and C.

Si deseas saber más sobre la mandarina mira el portal:

Historia de la Mandarina

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