Colorchallenge yellow Wednesday
This is my entry for #Colorchallenge #yellowWednesday
When you have to drive another 500 kilometers, the bright sunset is well remembered. This is what shines you in the windshield. It distracts from fatigue, prompts to stop the car, you need to be distracted, get a camera and take a photo. Very soon, night will come, the only light that will be visible is the light of the moon and the headlights of oncoming cars.
Such stopovers invigorate no worse than a cup of coffee. That day there was too much coffee, but I can't say so about the sunset. It does not happen too much, it ends too quickly.
I tried to catch him, but my Renault was slower than the setting sun.
Yellow sunset for yellow Wednesday.
Photos taken with a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX300 camera
Author @barski