How Green Is Barak Obama's Valley Now
Remember when this iconic photo of Barak Obama toking on a joint permeated the internet when those stupid, white Republicans thought that it would hurt his chances of getting elected? I secured his Presidency! The question is, now that Obama is free as a bird, do you think he is sparking up good weed while lollygagging around Washington D.C.? My guess is definitely yes. I'd like to think he's smoking some good shit and--complete with a stoner-face--snickering at how moronic Donald Trump is? And that, my friends, is how green I'd like to think Barack Obama's valley is now.
Nice post! Funny you grabbed that picture. I was going to use it to talk about breathing. Needed a good google image grab of someone puffing on something. I like the green touch here :)
fouled by the "black" messiah? if you only knew. again? Leave me to my opinions and I promise to leave you to yours. Now skidattle.
you are so funny and eloquent. why should I shut the fuck up? because you said so? you aren't on twitter... no panic button to press... how sad.
u actually take pride is talking that that fat moron u voted for....that's sad.
no, I am just exposing you for supporting censorship :).