A Day in The Life: Friday

in #college7 years ago

College kids are always partying, right?


Well, I guess some do. I only know this because I got invited to a party today by a friend whose friend invited them to their friend's party but my friend's friend wasn't going to be there but my friend was still allowed to invite all of her friends to her friend's friend's party. Confusing, right? I was certainly confused, but of course I was open to the idea of a fun party with a house full of strangers. My friends and I decided to stay in my dorm (we have a futon so we are pretty much the coolest dudes on the floor) and we had a grand time playing cards and talking over the music of my Bluetooth speaker.
So yes, we do party, but not all of us do it regularly, and not all of us do it how you might think (for about two hours we just watched the OSU Indiana basketball game in low quality on our TV from my roommate's laptop since we don't get Fox Sports 1).

I found a penny today

70 pennies.JPG

I know I used this image in a post before, but it was the best penny picture I could find

So I left my room this morning to take a shower (we have a community shower for the ten people in my wing) and there was a penny on the floor in front of my door. It was facing heads down, so naturally I flipped it over and left it for someone else to find (I'm not superstitious normally, this is just a thing I do because someone once told me it's what the superstition says you should do and I think it'd be nice if a superstitious person found it). A few hours later, however, I noticed someone had kicked it under my door. I know I didn't accidentally do it because it was on the right hand side of my door on the outside and I found it on the inside. That probably doesn't make any sense as to how I know it wasn't me, but just take my word on this one.
Anyway I took this as a sign and kept the penny for good luck, but I'm now noticing I have since lost it so hopefully someone else found it and it improved their day.

Not Much else, really

When you have as many looming deadlines as I do that you've been putting off for as long as I have, Fridays don't really hold that much significance. I spent hours today while my friends were out shopping and getting food doing bio and chem homework and didn't even get to start either paper I have due next week (If this isn't the most stereotypical college complaint you've ever heard, other than something fraternity/sorority related, I don't know what is). I keep telling myself I'll stop putting everything off to the last minute, but that never really happens. This is what a day in the life of a college student is like: having a problem, knowing you have a problem, admitting the problem to many people, complaining about the problem, acknowledging how fixing the problem could help you in many ways, and then promptly doing nothing to fix the problem. This is, quite literally, just another day in the life.

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