Social Discussions - Collectivism

in #collectivism7 years ago (edited)

Why I Detest Collectivism

My problem with collectivism is its core principle that the group is more important than the individual. If the individual's rights are not paramount, it's a "might makes right" society, but with numbers instead of swords (at best, with weapons it's just might makes right under the collective, regardless of size). The entire western world has become as spectacularly advanced because of that freedom, and not in spite of it, as SJWs, the religious extremists of any faith, the legitimate alt-right, or even the government would like people to believe. 

It's unfortunate that collectivism isn't just contained in Sjws,  militant feminists, or in violent, antifa communist retards. It's heavily prevalent and pervasive in the political ecosystem.  It gorges on that power, and creates insane justifications on how "society must care for everyone", which is another way of saying it won't really care for anyone at all, especially as it's just a virtual concept in its own right.  Ideas don't care. People do, and funnily enough we aren't a hive mind. The closest thing we have to that is the free market, and right now it really doesn't exist in the pure sense. 

The Most Insidious Ideology in Existence

Collectivism a disease of the mind, and it's insidious.  It makes itself sound soooooooooooo altruistic - we will make the poor poor, poor no more; heal the sick for free; teach everyone for pennies; build and make everything you need; just give us your obedience. 

But... it doesn't work like that. No one likes to, or wants to, do something for nothing at all, and certainly not all the time. It takes a lot of effort to learn things, be successful, or just to do manual labour. People want that effort to be rewarded with something that actually has tangible benefit, and more so than just the next meal. People have to get paid somehow, and without capitalism as a driver of this, most of our choices in society are limited, and pretty much all of society, save a select few, become poor. 

The Monetary Cost of Collectivism

 Look at any failed communist state (tautology, I know, but seriously, take a good look at Mao's great leap forward and cultural revolution, or Venezuela today). We are really actively emulating that in the USA, and suffering badly from it. 20Trillion debt. 100 trillion+ in liabilities. That's 20 million million dollars worth of loans alone. Just imagine a mortgage that big, and effectively that's what it is - a loan from both the taxpayer, private companies, and foreign interests, and it keeps growing on all sides. Those numbers alone should give anyone pause. They should make people think "How can this be affordable?" 

Collectivism's Cost to Freedom

But put aside the monetary cost. What about each of our inherent liberties? If the group trumps the individual, we all are eventually at risk of oppression. It may not happen quickly, but eventually, it will happen. We can see it today with free speech activists at bloody Berkeley too, for pity sake.  People try to use reason and get shouted down. They try logic and get called racist/sexist/islamophobe/nazi.  They cannot stand new ideas or different ways of thinking than their own.  It all boils down to this kind of argument in the end: "My way or the highway, and if you don't like it, I'll commit libel on you till you back off, or try to punch you if you won't leave my safe space!"

  Little do the collectivists realise their virtue signaling of their purported altruism, usually using other people's money, isn't worth anything of real value.  People see through it, and funnily enough, if you cry racist all the time on genuine non-racists, you tend to aggravate all those you encounter.

 Trouble is, the government, media, and academia have all fallen under its spell, although in the case of the state it has always been symbiotically tied to this ideology in some way. This is why I am an anarchist and a capitalist. I recognise both of those systems work in harmony, and the state gets so far in the way it beggars belief.  

In closing, I will happily debate any sjw, feminist, or pro government supporter, and so to get the hard left's attention, I am openly baiting them with the Kekistani flag.

Come on... debate with me on why your ideology is so lovely. With just logic and reason, I'll bring out that vile hatred you have for those parts of humanity who see fault with your beliefs, and will make you show it for all to see. You know you want to prove me wrong, so just try it.


Maybe you could use the tag democracy or politics. I think you get more more people to debate you.
Or democracysucks or something like that.
I however, agree with you. Sorry ;)

Thanks for the advice @wordsword, ive updated the tags, fingers crossed it works

lol, good luck

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