FINALE - "FROZEN IN TIME" - Collaborative Art Journey No. 27 - 94 Steemian Artists have created over 473 Masterpieces together!!!!steemCreated with Sketch.

FINALE NO. 27!!!

I initiated this Collaborative Art Journey about a year ago as my inspiration to raise some funds to send myself to Steemfest1.  It was enormously rewarding from the get-go, and I could see the possibilities for amazing works to be made.  So, I continued to offer it even after my return from Amsterdam, and together we have built a very strong, loving, supportive and inspiring artists' community.  To date, 94 Steemian Artists have participated in this Collaborative Art Journey, and we have made over 473 pieces of art together.

We have been so successful...
that I'm taking these collaborations with me to Steemfest2.  
More information will be forthcoming, so keep an eye out to see how we will share our magnificent creations at the most amazing fest on the planet.  If you have any doubts about how amazing Steemfest2 will be, just talk with someone who went last year to Amsterdam, or check out the following links:
Steemfest Website
Location tour and latest update from @roelandp
The 11 Best Reasons to Buy Your Ticket to Steemfest2 - by @quinneaker
Steemfest - Getting Closer - Sharing Links -  by @virtualgrowth
Blast to the steemfest past #6 - My first coffee shop in Amsterdamby @ballinconscious

If you're even anywhere on the fence about going, may these opportunities for free tickets solidify your desire by receiving support from these Steemians:
Giving Away a FREE Steemfest Ticket - @quinneaker
Contest #2—Win a Free Ticket to SteemFest 2017 at Lisbon! - @firepower
Blast to the Steemfest Past - @ballinconscious
Also watch @blueorgy who has recently given away a ticket -- he may just do it again!

@sashagenji, @allgoodthings and @dreamien
are making their debut in this 27th Collaboration.
All three have made very worthy contributions,
and we are blessed to include them in our repertoire of over 473 Masterpieces so far!  

It is difficult to really determine how many Masterpieces have been contributed to this collaboration, as many artists will make more than one version of their interpretation of an image, and still others make not only images, but also music, poetry or other writings to accompany them.   Two of our artists this time -- @opehliafu and @kalemandra -- actually made two separate posts, well worth a visit and acknowledgement of their efforts.

Collaboration Finale No. 27

~**~**~    " FROZEN IN TIME "    ~**~**~

Here is my original "Frozen in Time"  Invitation to join this collaboration.

I took this photo after a cold night's sleep in my suburban, while helping to build an Earthship in Lufkin, Texas with @quinneaker.  These crystals formed on the window, and their beauty was illuminated by the rising sun.

23 new pieces of original art were created using this one single image.  I hope you will not only check out these images below, but go to the post links and see the process and details of their works.


Collaboration Spring is Coming with @yadamaniart:

Shazaam!!!! That is ALIVE!!! Lots of movement, electrifying life interacting on an energetically visual level!!! I love this @yadamaniart!! Thanks for the gift!

"A Happy Woman"  with @sashagenji:

Awe.....@sashagenji---you are indeed my soul sister!! <3 <3 <3 It is no coincidence that we have re-connected here on Steemit to solidify our already deep connection to each other and the whole. I too knew when we first interacted that there was something really up with us. It gives me great pleasure to have you share in not only this artistic, creative expression while building a strong community, but also in our shared perspectives on life and the spiritual path in which we walk. We have sooooo much in common and I am honored and blessed to be a part of this human experience with you.Your post almost brought tears to my eyes, my heart full of joy in your authentic expression and hopes for the reawakening of humanity. Women indeed have a powerful role, which will have a huge affect on our children and all beings on this planet. Thank you for being one who embraces this role and spreads the possibilities to others through your inner knowing and expression of love. Your post reflect the juicy depths of your soul -- a truly magnificent piece of work --
the image incredibly stunning on every level. Through art and creative expression we will continue to shine the light. Your words speak volumes to me. My heartfelt gratitude for you -- THANK YOU for being!

"Finding Friends Frozen in Time and Mind" @dreamien:

I'm super stoked to have you in this collaboration @dreamien. You've not only given this a truly valient effort, but you've also turned out something that is really interesting and deserves some real discovery! I'm so glad you've showed us a few steps of the process, as it's great to see how the transformation took place, especially since it is so evolved from the original. I especially love that you included one of your own paintings which really seems to compliment this collaborative work. What a blessing to have you here. Thank you for the gift!!!Your work is a powerful testament to your screen name! LOVE IT!

Collaboration - This Girl is frozen in time in love with an unpredictable guy with @yusaymon:

I love the deeper meaning in your images--you just don't throw something out there, it truly comes from an inner place of inspiration. Your expression as an artist is super intriguing to me and I'm grateful you are sharing in this Collaborative Art Journey initiative @ysaymon!!! Thanks for the gift!

"Frozen in Ankh" with @allgoodthings:

WooHoo!!!! @allgoodthings you finally made it here! And just look what an amazing contribution you are making! LOVE IT! I agree that these are super compatible images--good thing I don't have to decide which one I like the most! I do love the way the hand stands out in the second one, holding so much power!!I'm so honored you have joined us and that we are building community together! Way to bring on the goodness straight away!! <3

and two more variations by @allgoodthings:

"Ice Cream Dreams" with @juliakponsford:

Dang girl!!! You nailed this one---also!!!! Not only is the art amazing, your whole post is amazing. And I agree with you about art freezing time...the full-on expression of the moment lives on!!This is a super cheerful transformation and I feel the joy of your moment shared right here, right now!! Oh so grateful to receive such a gift. Thanks for being you and for sharing yourself with us @juliakponsford.

"Winter is Coming" with @aksinya and her daughter Emily:

Oh my gosh---you two are just toooooo cute!!! Just look at that adorable face! What a blessing to have you both in on this collaboration---a collaboration within a collaboration!! SHAZAAM!!!!This is an incredible interpretation and it provokes the theme very potently. Sweet contribution @aksinya. So grateful for your being here.

Collaboration with @girlbeforemirror:

An invitation was received
Come out again and play.

The image it accompanied
Had so much within to say.

My story static here I sit
Typing from my phone most days.

Pretending to be functional
Hoping it's a phase.

I attempted friend to create
A something on my phone.

Of things I cannot manage now
This task is not alone.

Within the image I can see
Form of a sad eyed girl.

The misty blue upon her face
surrounds her in a swirl.

The vibrancy engulfs her mind
Flattening her soul.

From shoulders down a lifeless grey
Like icy shards of coal.

From where I am adjacent from
This image I do scrawl.

Aware my minds construct
Responsible for all I saw.

Next time round I vow to you
I'll be much more equipped

To contribute to this process
A submission more befit.

In spite of myself I tweaked the shot
Inverting all the colour.

But still I see a face look back
Perhaps that of another.

But then I see it's a rouge mask
Strapped across my forlorn girl.

Resigned to her imprisonment
Behind the hurly-burl.

So even with my trickery
Completely altering the scheme.

It's still my face that's mirrored back
Trapped within the scene.

Preparing for what must be done
Should something wicked this way come.

Oh dearest @girlbeforemirror. Another truly heartfelt, vulnerable, moving artistic expression!! I love how you see yourself in everything---there's really no denying that here we are!!! I also love how you tweeked the image, and just found another experience to share. Your writing is always beautiful to tune in to. Thank you so much for sharing yourself. You're truly an artist through and through! Much love to you ! <3

"Love and Passion" with @sumsum:

Ever since we are apart
I live with a frozen heart
it´s there, but cold
only beats to hold
all together
to resists the weather
to stay alive
but there is so much more to life
I want the ice to melt
I want to look at what we felt
in sweet in sweet memories
I want to be at ease
when I look at the past
be free at last
with heat in my chest
to experience the very best
love and passion
in a new happy fashion

Your words are always such an inspiration @sumsum!! I love how you tune into my image and take it to another level!! Your expression is always such a joy to read. I'm grateful for your poetry--it truly enriches this experience.

"Run Through Frozen Time" with @opheliafu:

Hahahaha---OMG you make me laugh @opheliafu!!! That menacing sheep....but of course! I'm surprised you're the only one that picked that out!! I love all the different aspects of art you engage in these collaborations. You're right, the runner is the perfect image to add to says a lot!!! I especially like the red and the shining light. They bring a lot of action to this image. So sweeeet! Thanks for your contribution dear friend. read @opehliafu's incredible added bonus of "The Space Traveller and the Planet of Sheep", you'll need to click on the link--you won't be disappointed!!  Here is one of the images from that post: 

YES YES YES @opheliafu!!! Thanks for the warning about those sheep!!! Who knew they were so dangerous? I've always thought about meek little lambs, and had no idea of their power! You have such a great imagination and creative spirit. I'm truly grateful for your participation in this CAJ initiative--always bringing so much life and joy! Blessed by the gift!

"Frozen in Time Self Portraits" with @kalemandra:

You really did an amazing job with these. I love your take on the theme -- so obvious and yet so genius at the same time! Blessed to experience this with you. Thanks for being here @kalemandra. You're lovely!

and a second post of "Old Family Portraits" with @kalemandra:

Her grandmother at 17:

Her father in 1956:

Her mother as  a little girl:

Her mother at 21:

You truly did this one justice @kalemandra. You're right, this theme really lends itself to a trip down memory lane! I love how you didn't do just one image, you did many--and they all fit so perfectly nestled in my image. What fun!!!! Great job and great idea!! So glad to have you here!

Collaboration with @revostrike:

I love love love this image! You ALWAYS deliver powerful images. They are always striking and really capture the attention right away. Just seeing your images conjures up a level of vibrant and ALIVE!!!! Thank you so much for coming out to play. I'm grateful for this gift today. 

"Frozen" with @robyneggs:

"Moon Hung Lower"

Moon Hung Lower
As the moon hung lower
It ate the light
Time seemed to pass slower
As he filled with fright
But just then, from above
All love came to him
All light needed was love
To free darkness of sin
So all hurt was eliminated
As lacy white he spread
The whole was illuminated
Darkness no longer held dead
by @robyneggs

I love your take on this theme and how your words and image tie it all together so fluidly. I also love how you use some sacred geometry in your images, along with many layers, bringing forth more than meets the eye. Your poetry, as always, on spot!You're so inspiring @robyneggs. You always bring great beauty to this collaboration through your word, art, and simple presence.

Collaboration with @samic:

AHHHHHsome @samic!!!! I love how you gave the description of your internal process and then came out with an amazing piece of art! What a fabulous interpretation on all levels!! Our moments are indeed frozen in our heads. It is funny how they continue to thaw into our now reality--rather we consider that good or bad--they affect the way we think and act. I love your expression! Thank you so very much for playing.

Playing with Steemian Artists never gets a matter of fact, it's truly invigorating!!!   
Experiencing all the diversity from artists all over the world
inspires me to come up with more images to share.  
We'll be continuing on with a new image coming soon.

Thanks to all the artists for coming out to play,
and making this an incredibly expansive, rewarding and enjoyable journey. 

I am honored to be here with you!

Remember to tune into our plans for Steemfest2,
and get yourself to this one-of-a-kind event.  
I can guarantee it you will not regret your efforts.

And remember, we can help each other as a community by financially supporting
and deferring some of the costs of travel to Steemfest2.  
Please consider donating to the Travel Reimbursement Fund @t-r-f.


A sample view of our early collaborative works:
Steemian Collaborative Art Journey - What the Heck Are We Building?

Finale of Division of Unity - 11 artists and 17 masterpieces
Finale of Expansion - 14 artists and 16 masterpieces
Finale of Ribbon of Hope - 17 artists and 18 masterpieces
Finale of Reflections of a Blessings - 15 artists and 23 masterpieces
Finale of Tangled Webs We Weave  - 23 artists and 27 masterpieces
Finale of Power Spirit   - 23 artists and 26 masterpieces
Finale of Life Stands Still   - 18 artists and 29 masterpieces
Finale of Ingrained - 18 artists and 17 masterpieces
Finale of Beyond the Veil - 18 artists and 19 masterpieces
Finale of Sliver's Edge - 12 artists and 14 masterpieces
Finale of Shadow Mandala - 19 artist and 28 masterpieces
Finale of Ethereal Presence - 17 artists and 19 masterpieces
Finale of On the Ball - 9 artists and 10 masterpieces
Finale of Wisdom of the Ancients- 17 artists creating 36 masterpieces
Finale of Rejuvenation- 20 artists creating 27 masterpieces
Finale of Do You See What I See - 14 artists creating 19 masterpieces
Finale of Shattered Rainbows - 17 artists creating 31 masterpieces
Finale of All Fired Up - 18 artists creating 19 masterpieces
Finale of No Strings Attached - 17 artists creating 29 masterpieces
Finale of Artist's Eye - 16 artists creating 21 masterpieces
Finale of Midnight Sky - 7 artists  creating 8 masterpieces
Zentangle Art Collaboration - 4 artists creating 3 masterpieces
Building community through Art Collaboration - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece
Collaboration using Ned's Head - 5 artists creating 4 masterpieces
Collaborating with @opheliafu:  Madam Kali - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece
Collaborating with
@opheliafu: Bird on a Wing - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece


awesome post, thanks for the mention. you have made so many amazing art collaborations. Your doing a great job to help build the steemit art community.

You're welcome @ballinconscious. We have really made our mark here on Steemit. I'm holding space and we're doing it together!!!

We, too, are honored by your beautiful appreciations. Thank you @everlove

Yay!!!!! We're all so blessed by each other!!! Sweeeeeet perfection! <3

So much talent and so many directions here I love it... give thanks to @everlove

Wow @everlove! The art that u inspire blows me away! I love it!

Oh @kus-knee!! What a pleasure to see you here. I'm blessed to be surrounded by all of these amazing creators and that I can channel some of this talent toward collaboration. I'm excited for the expansion of this artists' community and so appreciate your presence here with us.

wow ! Such amazing art work ! That's quite the collaboration , thanks for sharing with us !👍👍👍💕💕💕

Thank's @momskitchen!! It's amazing what we can do when we come together. Thanks for being here!!! I appreciate your appreciation!

What a Journey GOD!!!! every Art it´s a New World to discover !!!

Grateful to be doing it with you @yusaymon!!!

Darling @qiqi-power!!!!! What a treat to open my blog and see your sweet sweet face!!! <3 <3 <3

I love seeing the incredible creativity this collaboration has drawn forth @everlove. All amazing pieces but I especially love 'Frozen in Ankh' by @allgoodthings as well as @yusaymon's 'Girl with unpredictable guy.' Resteemed. 🦋

Oh so great to have you here with us @allyinspirit. These artists amaze me with every image. I'm so grateful this is not a competition, as I'd never be able to pick my favorite. I love that you're sharing your special enjoyment. There is so much here to be appreciated. Thanks for the comment.

Thanks my friend I like ur work a lot too !!!! <3 <3 this frozen in time journey it´s like a travel in the space and the secret treasures of the humanity.

Hi @everlove, I see you have mentioned me.
This is automatic response so that I may respond to your mention later.

Always appreciating you @blueorgy!

Quite impressive, right? Thanks for the comment @safrijals.

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