5 ways on how to get bitcoins/money on telegram app,NO INVESTMENT NEED
5 ways on how to get bitcoins/money on telegram app,NO INVESTMENT NEED
But it works only on telegram or pc. When you join you get 300gems worth 0.01btc and you get daily bonus of up 100gems
You can either withdraw your money when you reach 1000gems or you can use it to buy robots which work for you to earn more.
How to register
grab the telegram app from googleplaystore . register on it like whatsapp then you click on this link
1st link
http://t.me/RobotCashBot?start=UGrUMrOk it's free to register
2rd link
3rd link
4th link
5th link
75gems *100 day=7500gems =750000satoshi =0.075BTC but before you reach 100days you would hire some robots to work for you and so you will earn more. 0.075BTC is a rough estimate of what you will earn
1 btc=2700$ that's ugshs 9.7m
0.075btc=202$ that's ugshs 729000
No investment
if you want to use PC you can register on telegram at web.telegram.org
then visit
When you refer a friend you earn 50gems so start you game and get bitcoins.