CoinFast Sofware Solution for ICO Platform
CoinFast Sofware Solution For ICO Platform
Future of quality on technology for bring the solution about ico platform to make as well and giving best services for all client to make comfortable for contribute and participate on this paltform , innovation of tech company and make best on decentralized for ico platform to make as well with best technology for support on connection and interaction on this platform, make an easy for learn and knowledge about for all feature and work for platfrom i think this is very intersted for all people for contribute on this platform , and make solution for growing of marketplace to make as well and have value in future , and growing of demand .
Coinfast the solution for make platform ico project to make as well and getting more participate for contribute on this platform , and with Coinfast increase of innovation for bring the future of ico platform for give the best services for make growing of marketplace in future .still increase of innovation for future to give best on services with payment gateway system , and make solution for helps ico accept payment, so this is make intersted for all people contribute on this platform .
Technology on Coinfast , performance for this platform very well because using an innovation of technology for make provides this platform for controling of condition in all section on ico platform and make solution the way for growing of project to make as welll , with high secure for control and management of interaction , with best technology on this platform ecosystem on this platfom as well and stable .
Give the best services on ico , and make good on see targeted for ico platform to make as well ,and bring the future for ico to best succesfully.
Advantages with Coinfast :
- growing of ICO project to make as well for future
- stable of market for solution
- solution for payment gateway on helps ICos accept payment
- high on control for participate ico secure
- growing of business to make as well
- services provides for create the best solution on fast targeted on ICO
Future of Coinfast :
- Friendly mobile platform
- Smart solution , this is make quality of marketing campaign as well for event tokensale activity
- integrate for management by kyc so that make control of risk very well
- Audited easy for control of activity for tokensale by using smart contract code
- CRM Tools Integration , organize , track , management , contributors
- Support for services very well
- High secure for control all ecosystem on this platform
- Token name : CFS
- Token Price : 0.07 USD
- Token price ico : 0.14 USD
- Platform : Ethereum
- ICO December 01 , 2018
- ICO end December 31 , 2018
- Softcap $ 250,000
- Hardcap $1,000,000
- Onur Kahraman , Ceo of Coinfast
- Okan Tubek , CO Founder & CTO
- Ahmet Dogdu , Business Development Excutive
- Cagri Bikmaz , Creative Director
- Gulay Unal , Full Stack Web Developer
- Ozgur Can Aydin , Lead Sofware Developer
- Onur Yalcin , Full Stack Web Developer
- Ali Omer Horzum
- Website :
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- by sidik7
- eth : 0x278dbFa617B7834f36A95d46fA989B6096737532