How I experienced the CoinDash hack

Oh well sigh... Maybe its better to learn the hard way (talking about myself, not CoinDash) :)
Here is what happened:
Around 14:30 (GMT+2): Getting the Ether ready, preparing the wallet. FOMO = everything is set, all I have to do is entering the right contract address (lol).
Slack server # Announcements Channel:
Middle finger index low
It's 15:00 (GMT+2), sale is supposed to start. I refresh like a maniac. FOMO rules everything around me.
After about two to three minutes (not sure exactly) I start to wonder what's going on, "why is there no contract address yet?"
Around 15:05 (GMT+2): I enter the address, the transaction goes through. Great. I took the address from the page. Everything's cool. Now let's add the token to the wallet:
Having another look at the Slack:

I am now between a hard "LOL" and a big "FK ME!!!". After the dust in my brain settled, I was trying to figure out what hit me. I already practiced getting in the right mindset to deal with my loss. In the meanwhile things kind of escalated:
The middle finger index reached an all time high! People, this is serious!
Thirty-seven minutes later, people (including me) begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel:
"Well, whatever. I cant change sh__ and I gotta go do something else now anyway."
In the meantime on
And then on Slack:
I am pessimistic. But you betcha I will fill out this form! :D
First conclusions:
Jurassic Park!
In the hopes of educating a little and reminding of the risks,
to all those out there excited about the amazing opportunities this technology is offering us,
P.S.: I will keep you people informed on how this evolved as soon as all the fuss is over. I am really curious how CoinDash will handle this situation. Scam theories are spreading all over the net, suspecting CoinDash being behind all of this. Greatest thing ever would be if they posted a statement or something in the comments. It's still allowed to dream, right?
P.P.S.: Please excuse the bad formatting. This blog entry took me quite some time to try to deliver a little quality. I am still in the making :) Also just realized that the images should have been bigger. It's hard to see the middle finger indices, hope no eyes being harmed. When theres a next time, I will do better. Oh, and ANY criticism is welcome! I only ask you to stay factual/objective and polite!
If you should see any wrong statements/facts, please leave a comment so I can rectify them.
Some shirts I wanted to share. These are referral links and I would make a small royalty if any of these should sell.
end here
End here.
Why the heck is here so much white space?!