Humble Beginnings

in #coinbase4 years ago

I has been a long time since I even remembered I had a coinbase account, despite my £0.36 worth of Bitcoin remaining untouched for about a year. Opening up again reminds me of the summer of 2019, a markedly different experience than this summer indeed. I was volunteering for London's Air Ambulance- or more accurately a proxy charity called Wesser that earned funds on their behalf. I was situated in the sleepy yet urban landscape of Uxbridge and my South American colleague, over a few pints after a hard days work of patrolling the streets, got me onto Coinbase and even showed me how to make a few extra pounds through the 'Earn by Learning' feature- at least that's what I think it was called.

(Close enough!)

Irregardless, events transpired, lack of sales to be precise, that I was promptly dismissed from the company, no bad blood on either part however, sales is a demanding role where results are expected after all. Now I've started again chipping into my Coinbase- even broadening my horizons through more exotic options (at least to me) such as supplying tokens to Compound or giving a few XTZ to an up and coming baker, nothing huge as I'm currently a student!

(I know it's not really a photo of actual baking, more like making roti!)

I suppose the topic of CV-19 has been done to death (no pun intended) but as the UK comes out a more severe lockdown and guidelines are relaxed, which I am certainly in favour of, I can only draw from my personal experiences of the past four months. Possibly it sounds awful to say and in no way am I diminishing the suffering of those who have lost loved ones, but I was going through a rough patch living away from home in London, and the time at home with all of my family gave me a much needed 'pause' on live where I could reflect, strategise and plan for my future. As I am now going into my third and final year, in a degree mostly populated with foreign students of middle class background or higher, myself being a working class lad, I see that I am woefully behind my peers in terms of progress towards future career plans, internships and just plain old experience. Suffice to say this time has been helpful, while I have had hiccups in regards to motivation and work ethic, in gearing up for the final year.

(Hopefully this won't be me!)

In summary, while this might just be a side-gig to earn some lucre- this also would provide me a creative outlet, something I'm sorely missing as I no longer write poetry/ practice my guitar (despite it's constant presence in the corner of my room!). Expect rambling diatribes like this, game reviews, older articles I've written, poetry (maybe?) and even photos of my cat.

This is Sharmanix, signing out- stay wild out there.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 60231.53
ETH 2321.91
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51