How to Buy or Sell Polkadot Coin

in #coin4 years ago

ChangeNOW is one of the most user-friendly platforms where people can trade Polkadot for other cryptocurrencies.

To trade your token on ChangeNOW, all you have to do is select your token, let the system display the buyer's amount, add your address and confirm the exchange. Your money will reach your wallet within minutes. ChangeNOW is a stress-free platform where you can perform your transactions smoothly and easily.

Let's see how you can buy and sell DOT coin with ChangeNOW.

How to Buy Polkadot Coin
Go to your browser and open ChangeNOW

Find "Buy crypto" on the homepage

Select USD and enter the amount (you will also see the Polkadot USD exchange rate)

Then choose DOT as "your earned money"

Enter your wallet address

Confirm the change

Complete the purchase. Your money will be in your wallet within minutes!

How to Exchange Polkadot Coin
Go to your browser and open ChangeNOW

On the main page, find the change window

Select "DOT" as the coin you want to sell

Then choose the money you want to buy

Enter your wallet ID

Confirm the change

Complete the exchange

You can check the current DOT-USD exchange rate by entering 1 DOT and checking the corresponding exchange rate of the USD. The Polkadot USD rate can also be checked on the ChangeNOW platform.

Polkadot USD Exchange
ChangeNOW has made it much easier to check the current DOT-USD exchange rate. This DOT-USD price lets you know the exact number of coins you buy. Also, you can now track the DOT equivalent for other cryptocurrencies.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.15
TRX 0.23
JST 0.032
BTC 84250.69
ETH 2296.76
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.67