
I prefer tea with sugar and lemon:)

Thanks for sharing your coffee break philosophy. This is mine: coffee is a symbol of "everything is possible". A new day, a new opportunity. Everything can change, it´s up to you - and the answer is in between all these milk froth bubbles :-) Cheers and #liveyourdreams

I love coffee. With the kids in the mornings, it is my time where I do nothing at all while they eat, and just drink my heavenly cup of cappuchino, until I'm ready for the day. When being asked what I like, the kids answer "coffee".
How dire was a time where I had opened a different bag of coffee beans and they turned out to taste crappy! I went to about thirty cups of awful tasting coffee before I could go back to my beloved beans that I have carefully selected out of the discounter sortiment.

I try to drink my cup of coffee and make some plan for a day before my son will get up and come to the kitchen:) But from day to day he rises earlier and earlier..:)

I don't really like coffee but I do like Caffeine. Also if you are curious how that looks under a microscope check this one out: