A Cup of Coffee Every Day Reduce the Risk of Liver Cancer (in bahasa)

in #coffee7 years ago

Coffee, besides delicious, also eliminates drowsiness and makes us more excited. But did you know that drinking coffee can help reduce the risk of liver cancer?

Kopi, selain nikmat, juga menghilangkan kantuk dan membuat kita lebih bersemangat. Tapi tahukah Anda bahwa minum kopi bisa membantu mengurangi risiko terkena kanker hati?

Liver cancer is included in the six most common cancers of humans. The World Cancer Research Fund records that there are at least 800,000 cases of liver cancer throughout 2012. Liver cancer is also common in Asia and Africa and is one of the leading causes of death.

Kanker hati termasuk dalam enam jenis kanker yang paling banyak diderita manusia. World Cancer Research Fund mencatat, sedikitnya ada 800.000 kasus kanker hati sepanjang tahun 2012. Kanker hati juga banyak ditemukan di Asia dan Afrika dan merupakan salah satu penyakit yang menyebabkan kematian.

Studies conducted by researchers from the University of Southampton and the University of Edinburgh found that regular drinking a cup of coffee every day seems to reduce the risk of liver cancer.

Studi yang dilakukan para peneliti dari University of Southampton dan University of Edinburgh mendapati bahwa rutin minum secangkir kopi tiap hari rupanya mampu mengurangi risiko kanker hati.

After examining data from 26 previous studies involving more than 2 million participants, the researchers found that coffee can reduce cirrhosis and liver cancer. Even in the study mentioned, the more you consume coffee, the greater your immune to prevent the emergence of liver cancer.

Setelah memeriksa data dari 26 penelitian sebelumnya yang melibatkan lebih dari 2 juta peserta, para peneliti menemukan bahwa kopi mampu mengurangi sirosis dan kanker hati. Bahkan dalam penelitian itu disebutkan, semakin banyak Anda mengkonsumsi kopi, semakin besar juga kekebalan tubuh Anda untuk mencegah munculnya penyakit kanker hati.

"Coffee is widely believed to have many health benefits, and these latest findings suggest that coffee also has a significant effect on the risk of liver cancer," said Dr. Oliver Kennedy of the University of Southampton as quoted by the Guardian.

"Kopi dipercaya secara luas memiliki berbagai manfaat kesehatan, dan temuan terbaru ini menunjukkan bahwa kopi juga memiliki efek yang signifikan terhadap risiko kanker hati," kata Dr Oliver Kennedy dari University of Southampton seperti dilansir dari Guardian.

The molecules of compounds found in coffee have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic properties and other benefits that explain why it helps prevent the emergence of liver cancer.

Molekul senyawa yang ditemukan dalam kopi memiliki sifat antioksidan, anti-inflamasi, antikarsinogen dan manfaat lainnya yang menjelaskan mengapa ia membantu mencegah munculnya kanker hati.

However, it is not advisable to consume too much coffee, especially for certain people such as pregnant women. Too much caffeine in the body can also adversely affect health.

Namun demikian, tidak disarankan mengkonsumsi kopi dalam jumlah yang terlalu banyak, apalagi untuk orang-orang tertentu seperti wanita hamil. Terlalu banyak kafein dalam tubuh juga bisa berpengaruh buruk bagi kesehatan.

Best Regards
@rahmadalmishary KSI Chapter Banda Aceh

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