RIP Coffee 1992-2017: How I Quit Coffee Totally By Accident! And Feel Amazing

in #coffee8 years ago (edited)

Something's happening. This is a much bigger insight than just coffee. This is breaking another layer of brainwashing and discovering another amazing truth in optimal health and energy.

I really started drinking coffee in my teens when I found my energy sagging, which was often. In hindsight, I was living in a chronic state of fatigue. In university I studied the benefits of coffee and I figured this must be the solution..this is my destiny. To be able to function with energy and alertness I will need to rely on one coffee after another, all day long. Or take caffeine pills.

Fast forward to just 10 days ago. I've been living as a vegan for the last couple of years. Enjoying great health and energy. Even experimenting more with raw veganism. Coffee continued to always be an unquestioned part of my lifestyle and daily ritual. Many days I didn't need a coffee but if I didn't force myself to have one by late afternoon, I'd get a headache. I thought that if I'd ever plan on quitting one day, it would be a real process and challenge.

10 days ago I went on a 3 day retreat where we took ayahuasca and san pedro in the wilderness. These are powerful and ancient plant healing medicines. During this weekend I somehow got the idea that I would also try doing my first ever juice fast. Crazy idea for me! I've been loving the clean energy that juicing provides but putting off really doing a full juice cleanse challenge. That would challenge a core belief and fear that if I don't eat every 3 hours, I'd wither away and die. But something just got activated in me before I drove off for the retreat. I hit the grocery store, juiced 10 full jars of different juices and headed out on my wild retreat.

During the 3 days I felt so good, so energized, so happy, that by the end of it I got back home and realized...wait a second, what happened to my coffee addiction?? I had a couple of green teas throughout that experience and one small raw meal... but is that all it really took?

I ended up quitting coffee totally by accident! Without even intending to! With zero headaches, zero withdraw symptoms..and been feeling so good ever since! It seems that with the high vibrational diet I'm on, combined with the regular juicing and a sacred medicine plant experience, I've been deprogrammed off of coffee.

The plants are known to help detoxify the body and help rid of addictions. Who knew this may apply to me this weekend!?

The more I've been getting into plant based eating, juicing, intermittent fasting and more recently a raw vegan diet, the more it seems to be dissolving layers of outdated beliefs and addictions that no longer serve me. It's been explained that when we give our body a break from all of the heavy digesting of food all day every day, it frees up energy to allow our minds to open up and think clearer. Higher faculties are opened up. I'm loving this journey so much it's inspiring me to continue exploring all these new approaches to eating and living! Let the deprogramming continue!

Let me know if you got something out of this story with an upvote. Thanks!

What's your coffee story? Ever try quitting? Planning to? Love it too much?


I only drink coffee on occasions, like every now and then. Plus a new study was released that people who drink coffee live longer.

Time will tell if I drink occasionally. I'm not anti-coffee. As for studies on coffee, every time we turn around there's always a new study. One day it's good for you. One day it's bad. I say just use your own intuition and don't feel guilty about it :)

I usually drink coffee in the fall/winter, when its cold out. I rarly drink coffee in the summer ( maybe iced coffee, frapes ) but that's basically it

Are you threatening me!?

Let's detox and regenerate those adrenal glands everyone!

Agreed! Funny how I've been in denial about that while addicted..

I still have the occasional cup though :) Definitely getting into more teas, especially herbal/botanicals.

Oddly enough, I barely even drink tea now. Will be super interesting to see how I feel the day I have my first coffee again...I'm sure it'll totally hit me

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