I wish that one day all the personals of cnn will be killed...
all... 100%... happilly I have my new chinese technique to revert to calm and serenity... but real... I don't think those things will understand how much I hate them, it's beyond hate,... I simply want them all dead.
and I think I want to kill them all slowly one by one... and get those reports :
what is worth it? for some kill their children frist, their parents, their husbands, just they know how much they made us suffer and keep doing...
and so VENGEANCE , REVENGE AND TEACHING to all wanna be propagandists,
you are legitmate targets of total wars !
it's incredible, I can physically feel this "energy" get away... and have a clean clear and empty mind :). dangerous technique :) @pla @mss Xi @ccp @ccpsc @china #kungfu