
in #cn7 years ago (edited)

我自己認為中國的ICO暫時好像一個傳銷活動,應該好快就會到了終結,所以千萬不要插入去不然你的錢就會沒了, 海外的ICO十個通常會有一個有點像樣,但長遠發展要有天時配合,成功率都是非常低,以前汽車改变了人的年代,美國有多達三千間汽車公司,現剩三兩間,可以汰弱留強,數字貨幣應該同網絡生態一樣,現在的數字貨幣太多,每行只会死剩一個龍頭。所以ICO只能体會一下,不要當投資。我只參予了polybius , 後天ICO完成了就可以公開買賣,我看中的是它有黑客及銀行家的團隊 .

“ICO是Initial Coin Offering縮寫,跟股票IPO,Initial Public Offering,ICO指首次公開募幣,是區塊中的第一次COIN,募集比特幣、乙太坊等有認受性數位貨幣,乙太坊升了多少,我想很多人都知,但波動都是很大。

I think that China's ICO temporarily like a pyramid selling activities, should be fast to the end, so do not insert it or your money will be gone, the overseas ICO ten will usually have a little decent, but long-term development There must be days with the success rate is very low, before the car changed the people of the era, the United States as many as three thousand car companies, the remaining three or two, you can weak strong, digital money should be the same as the network ecology , Now the digital currency too much, each line will only die a leading. So ICO can only experience, do not invest when. I only participated in the polybius, the day after the completion of the ICO can be open to the sale, I fancy is that it has hackers and bankers team.

"ICO is Initial Coin Offering abbreviation, with the stock IPO, Initial Public Offering, ICO refers to the initial public offering, is the first block in the COIN, raise Bitcoin, Bta Square and other recognized digital currency, Square, how many, I think a lot of people know, but the fluctuations are great


I also invested in Polybius ICO, let's have finger crossed!

个人认为NEVERDIE ICO 也不错,在我个人热帖里,Neverdie.com

现在Polybius 咋样啦?当初心动过但是没行动。

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