Memoirs of Growing up in China – A Story About My Sister’s Adventure on the Mountain//中国回忆录 --关于我姐姐的爬山历险记

in #cn7 years ago

Hi, Steemit friends. I hope you continue to enjoy reading my stories of growing up in China.

In 1969, the relationship between China and Soviet Union worsened. The top leaders of the Chinese government were concerned that Soviet Union might use nuclear weapons on the big cities of China. As a protective measure, all cadres at the South West Bureau (the highest government administration bureau in South West of China) where my father worked were instructed to disperse among the big mountains in west Sichuan for several months. School age children could follow their parents to the mountains and continue their study in the temporary schools. While I was too young to join my father to the mountains, my two older sisters went with my father to Wen Chuan, the mountainous area in northwest of Sichuan.

My sister Xiaofeng was twelve and my sister Xiaoling was ten at that time. They were very happy and excited to travel to the mountainous area because it would be a new adventure for them. The most important thing is that they were able to relocate to the big mountains with all of their friends at school. Both my sisters went to the elementary school specifically for children whose parents worked for the South West Bureau. They had the same group of friends since they were in the kindergarten.

My Sisters Xiaofeng and Xiaoling in the summer of 1969. A photo taken at home in Chengdu.

Before the cadres and their children arrived in Wen Chuan, many makeshift houses were set up at the foothill outside the county government. When they arrive there, each household was assigned one room. During the weekdays, the grown-up were busy with their task, attending to different meetings, while the children went to the temporary school half-heartedly because they were in a new environment and they had no mood to sit in the class to listen to the teacher repeating political slogans. Sometimes the children got too restless and the teacher would dismiss them early. After the school, none of the children were supervised by grown-ups and they were expected to hang out together around the residential area or go back to their makeshift housing and do their homework quietly.

One day, the class was dismissed in late morning, my sister Xiaoling and several of her friends, children between ten years old to twelve years old were enticed by the tall mountain in front of them and decided to climb the mountain and explore new boundaries on their own without notifying any grow-ups. They climbed for about two to three hours and stopped in the middle of the mountain to join some locals who were working in their field attending the turnips. The children were hungry and thirsty and the locals offered them some fresh, watery and sweet turnips from their field. After their hunger and thirst were pacified, the children were running in the field, shouting and laughing, having the greatest time being free in the beautiful big mountain.

When they realized it was getting late, they started to go downhill. My sister Xiaoling wore a pair of shoes that had plastic bottoms and the road downhill underneath her feet was very slippery. At one point she could not stop herself and started tumbling down the mountain at full speed. Luckily for her, her rolling body was caught and stopped by a tree in the middle of the mountain. The other children were all scared and called out for help. The villagers who offered them the turnips were not far from them and came to Xiaoling’s rescue. The local villagers all carry a bamboo basket with a pointed bottom. The basket was used to transport things and the pointed bottom was used as a brake when the person carrying the basket needed to stop in the middle of the hilly road. One villager climbed down the hill and stopped several times on her way down by squatting down and the pointed basket worked as an effective brake. She managed to stop and reach out to Xiaoling. She pulled Xiaoling up and helped her climb back to safety. Xiaoling had a bleeding nose from the fall and she was crying while walking down the hill with her friends and the villagers. The woman villager held Xiaoling’s hand the whole time, but she had to sit down several times using the pointed bamboo basket as a brake because Xiaoling’s shoes with plastic bottom made it impossible to her to walk steadily and she could not help herself from running down. Eventually the woman villager became too exhausted and she had to yell out to a man villager to help Xiaoling. The children and the villagers arrived at the bottom of the hill safe and sound right before dark. My oldest sister Xiaofeng was overjoyed to see them. She had been waiting for them for hours. She was too scared to say anything to my father. She yelled Xiaoling’s name multiple times and when there was no answer, and when she saw it was getting dark, she was frightened and started to sob sitting on the steps at the bottom of the mountain.

My father and the parents of the other children were worried about the whereabouts of the children. They were asking around, not knowing that the children went up to the mountain on their own. When my sisters arrived at their dormitory, my father saw Xiaoling’s bleeding nose, and found out that she had an accident while coming down the mountain. Instead of comforting my traumatized sister, he asked her to stretch out her hand and he slapped her hand, which was his usual way to punish his children. He wanted to warn her to never go up to the mountains on her own.

If it was not for the tree in the middle of the mountain, Xiaoling might not have survived this outing. Although this story was uniquely my sister’s story, it is actually a typical story of how some children died from accidents because of lack of supervision from their parents during that time period. I personally know several families who lost their children to drowning in the rivers or reservoirs because their young children went swimming with friends without grown-ups supervision when they hardly knew how to swim.

I am very grateful that nothing serious and tragic happened to my sister from her experience of exploring the big mountains in Wen Chuan in 1969.










Cute sister..

Thank you!

Thank you!

The story's always been impressive.
Thank you for post.

Thank you!

Very interesting. Makes me realise how little I know about Chinese life and history. To tell you the truth, I've never heard anything about the relationship between China and Russia during the cold war, I guess in western school classes they are just put in the "the other side" umbrella. I guess I have some reading to do ;)

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