In Memory of My Big Aunt – 悼念我的大孃

in #cn7 years ago

My beloved Da Niang (Big Aunt) passed away peacefully on January 22nd 2018 in Chongqing surrounded by her loved ones. She was 96 years old.

My Da Niang, a photo taken when she was in her fifties.

Da Niang was born in May of 1921 in Neijiang, Sichuan province. She was my mother’s older sister and only sibling. She went to school in Chengdu and got an associate degree in accounting as a young woman. After graduation she moved to Chongqing and found a job at “Chongqing Jie Xing Pharmacy” as an accountant. Although her income was low, she sent most of her salary to my mother who was a high school student in Chengdu to pay for the tuition, leaving to herself the amount just enough to live on.

My Da Niang with her mother, sister, husband and two children. This picture was taken in 1953.

While in Chongqing, Da Niang became close friend with the niece and nephew of the famous progressive writer Ba Jin. Through their connection, Da Niang joined the communist underground work. During the civil war between the Nationalists and Communists, she risked her life circulating revolutionary leaflets and also participated in a rescue activity to free the wife of a revolutionary fighter from Zha Zi Dong prison in Chongqing. During this time she met her future husband who was also a communist underground worker. They got married right after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.

Because of her contribution to the communist underground work, she was invited many times to join the communist party. However, to everyone’s surprise, Da Niang declined the invitation each time. As a young mother of three children, Da Niang chose to devote most of her time to her family. She understood that once she became a communist party member, she had to put the party’s interest before anything else. She made a deliberate choice of centering her life around her husband and children. Being someone who missed out on parental attention and care as a child, I especially admire Da Niang’s independent thinking and her clear and simple aspiration of life. Most people in China at that time would jump at the chance to become a communist party member and climb the social ladder, despite the fact that this could mean sacrifice one’s family life.

Da Niang’s family

Da Niang was indeed a great mother who took good care of her children. In the hot summers of Chongqing, the city called the furnace of China, her children never had to suffer from heat rashes even though there was no air conditioning, because Da Niang was extremely attentive to give them showers frequently. When her oldest daughter Jia Ming had to go to the countryside in Neijiang to live and work as a send-down youth, Da Niang traveled to the countryside to register for Jia Ming despite of the harsh environment in the countryside. When her youngest daughter Jia Hui was sent to work in the countryside as a send-down youth, Da Niang traveled to the countryside with Jia Hui and stayed with her for a month to keep her companion and to take care of her.

Da Niang was also a very good grandmother. After she retired from her work as the chief accountant from Chongqing Pharmaceuticals Company, she personally took care of all three of her grandchildren when they were babies.

All of Da Niang’s children and grandchildren have grown to be successful and contributive members of the society. Da Niang was also a proud great grandmother of two great grandchildren.

Da Niang was a good aunt to me and my sisters, especially to my sister Xiaoling. In 1959, eight months after Xiao Ling was born, my mother’s work unit “Chengdu Geologic Survey Bureau” needed to send four young staff members to do physical work on a geologic survey project for a year in the mountainous area of Sichuan. This was a program to reform young government workers through hard physical work. Coming from a landlord family background, my mother was an easy target. She was chosen despite the fact that she just had a baby eight months before and she had another toddler at home. Being a government worker, my mother could not say “no” to the boss who assigned her this job although her heart was filled with anguish and resentment. At that time, my father was working for the Agricultural Land Management Bureau in Chengdu but he was away working in the countryside. Feeling desperate and helpless, my mother sent her eight month old baby to my Da Niang in Chongqing. She then put my other sister into a full time boarding kindergarten. Da Niang at that time had three little children of her own. But being a responsible older sister, Da Niang did not say “no” to my mother although her family, like all people in China at that time, suffered from starvation. This was during the “Great Leap Forward” period when tens of millions of people died of starvation. Da Niang took care of Xiaoling for a year as if she was born to her.

Da Niang, her husband and my mother in Chongqing. Da Niang and her husband were in their eighties.

It was Da Niang who sent her daughter Jia Ming to check on me when I was on exile living with my San Niang in Neijiang. It was also Da Niang who wrote a letter to my mother urging her to travel to Neijiang to bring me home. She knew how sad and miserable I must have been to be separated from my parents for so long in a harsh environment at such a tender age.

Each time Da Niang came to Chengdu to visit us, she would bring us the treats of green bean cakes. Those were the most delicious green bean cakes I had ever had. I remember bring the treats with me to school and ate them at recess. I felt very special that I was able to eat such fancy looking cakes in front of my school mates.

Da Niang made me feel loved and special even after I became a grown-up and had a family of my own. Once I had a phone conversation with Da Niang, she commented that three of her nieces (my sisters and me) all had such distinct personalities. When I asked her what my personality was, she started with: “You have always been a very special child ever since you were born.” This was one of the nicest compliments I have ever received, especially it was from my beloved Da Niang!

I visited Da Niang in Chongqing in the summer of 2015. Da Niang was 94 then and was still very healthy. She lost her husband four years before. Da Niang was able to walk and climb two sets of stairs to the restaurant where I had lunch with her and my cousins. After lunch, we played Mahjong for an hour and Da Niang was the winner!

Da Liang and I in the summer of 2015. This photo was taken in Chongqing when I visited her.

Da Niang’s health remained good until last year. Her internal organs started to fail because of old age. One week before she passed away, I video called her using the Wechat to say the final good-bye. I told her I loved her and she waved back to me. I was very sad when I received the news of my Da Niang’s passing, but I also felt comforted that Da Niang lived a very full and long life. Da Niang was a winner in life. She devoted herself whole hearted to her family and loved ones. The memories of her will live in my heart forever. Rest in Peace, my beloved Da Niang.

Da Niang’s Funeral held in Chongqing on January 23rd 2018.









当我五岁被放逐去内江和三孃生活期间,是大孃写信叫她大女儿去内江看我,也是大孃写信给我妈妈, 要她马上去内江把我接回家,因为她明白这么小年纪的孩子长时间与父母分开,在艰苦的环境里生活是一件很悲哀的事情。




直到一年前大孃的身体都非常好,没有什么大病。从去年开始,大孃的身体日渐衰老, 全身器官日渐衰竭。在她去世的前一周,我通过微信与大孃视频,我告诉大孃我爱她。大孃与我挥手道别。当我得知大孃离世的消息时我感到非常伤心,但同时又很欣慰大孃度过了一个充实和漫长的人生。她是生活的赢家。大孃的一生是无私奉献和任劳任怨的一生。她的音容笑貌将永远活在我心里。安息吧,我亲爱的大孃!


So sorry for your loss. It must leave you with a heavy heart...

So sorry for the loss.
May her soul rest in the blossom of the lord.

very beautiful and fascinating

sorry for your loss bro

May your Aunt find peace on her tumultuous heart, may she have higher rank in Heavens and be saved from Hell fire... amen

i like you country china

A beautiful story.

Thank you so much!

Wow, what a touching tribute. I recently lost my father. It seems that losing those closest to us, put us in touch with memories and roots of our person that we don't acknowledge much of any other time. I'm sorry for your loss, my friend, but happy that you shared her story here with us. Thank you so much. And thanks for your support of my stories in the past. @markrmorrisjr

Thank you so much for your message. I am sorry for your loss. I know the memories of your father will stay with you forever. Best regards

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